Pollo con jamón crujiente de Parma y remolacha

Chicken with crispy Parma ham and beetroot

This dish of chicken breasts with crispy ham is a very easy recipe, but it is very tasty and perfect for everyday use. Wrap, season and accompany with four ingredients and let the oven work for you. What do you think about the idea?
Compota de manzana y fresas (sin azúcares añadidos)-Claudia&Julia

Apple and strawberry compote (no added sugar)

There is nothing like simple and homemade recipes, and we cannot forget the compote that has always been made at home. The one we make most often is apple or apple and banana, but taking advantage of the strawberry season I encourage you to enjoy this delicious and easy recipe for apple and strawberry compote. A delight!
Barquillos rellenos de crema o nata (neulas tradicionales rellenas)-Claudia&Julia

Wafers filled with cream or cream (traditional stuffed neulas)

If something makes a traditional holiday in my house it is to bring to the table some wafers or stuffed "neulas", as we always call them at home. We love them! They are never lacking on the Christmas and Easter table, and we take them out after dessert, along with nougats or tea cakes, at coffee time. They're a perfect sweet bite to end the meal, AND they're so easy to make at home!
Estofado de buey a la cerveza (en olla tradicional y en olla rápida)-Claudia&Julia

Ox stew with beer (in a traditional pot and in a quick cooker)

Whether with beef or cow meat, this Guinness beer stew or Irish stew is a traditional recipe and one with which you will be fabled at family meals. The intense flavor of the beer brings a delicious flavor to these dishes!
Canelé de Pascua: mousse de chocolate negro con caramelo y cacahuete-Claudia&Julia

Easter canelé: dark chocolate mousse with caramel and peanuts

The name of this recipe is most revealing, it does not hide any secret apart from its delicious flavor and its soft and sweet interior. But although it seems that the Easter canelé with chocolate, caramel and peanuts has already said it all in its statement, nothing is further from the truth. Keep reading and you will know what I mean.
Lava cake o pastel volcán de chocolate-Claudia&Julia

Lava cake or chocolate volcano cake

Pay close attention, because today's recipe is not for any ordinary cake, but is pure exaltation of chocolatier pleasure. The lava cake or molten chocolate cake is reminiscent of the exquisite chocolate coulant, an excellent pastry preparation that, well prepared, makes you cry with emotion. Today I bring you the step by step to make the lava cake.
Mini-Rollitos de col rellenos de carne, piñones y pasas

Mini cabbage rolls stuffed with meat, pine nuts and raisins

Stuffed rolls are a great option to offer a complete and visual dish Today, these mini-rolls are stuffed with lamb meat, pine nuts, raisins and spices, an exquisite recipe that you can make very easily.
Tallarines con verduras en salsa cremosa-Claudia&Julia

Noodles with vegetables in creamy sauce

Pasta is one of the foods that gives the most play in the kitchen. If you like to make it at home or if you buy fresh or dry pasta, you will agree with me that just sautéed with a little oil and laminated garlic, they will dress up your food wonderfully. But if you want an overwhelming success, with this recipe for noodles with vegetables in creamy sauce they will make you the wave.
Guisantes verdes picantes

Spicy green peas

Bringing you a flavorful appetizer, snack or side dish: these Pan-fried Spicy Green Peas are the easiest Indian recipe to make and a delicious bite to eat. The sweetness of the peas and the acidity of the lemon make this recipe very fresh and mixes with the intense flavor of spices, with a most surprising result. Undoubtedly, due to its intense flavor, this recipe is a great representative of Indian cuisine (you can also find them as "batany fry").
Cómo hacer leche de arroz casera-Claudia&Julia

How to make homemade rice milk

I think you will be surprised to see how quickly you can make the richest, sweetest homemade rice milk with the perfect creaminess to enjoy with each sip. This rice milk recipe is made with raw rice, without prior cooking, and it is very tasty! We are also talking about a 100% natural milk, 100% vegetable and without added sugars. Do you want more reasons to prepare it at home in a few minutes?
Pimientos asados con huevo-Claudia&Julia

roasted peppers with egg

I bring you a rounded recipe: with a bright and colorful color, full of flavor, very easy to make and perfect for dipping bread. Can you ask for more? It is about some peppers with egg... which you will also do without oil!
Pan dulce trenzado Vianočka-Claudia&Julia

Vianočka braided sweet bread

I bring you a very traditional braided bread in countries like the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Its name is vianočka and it is a soft sweet bread with a delicious touch of vanilla. Its name comes from the word vianoce, which means Christmas, and the braid originally represented baby Jesus wrapped in his blanket. But today it is not only done at Christmas, but is enjoyed throughout the year.