Terrina de flan de caramelo

Caramel flan terrine

Caramel flan recipe



Camembert al horno de 3 maneras

Camembert al horno de 3 maneras

El Camembert al horno es una de esas recetas fáciles y rápidas que nunca fallan. En pocos minutos consigues un aperitivo irresistible, perfecto para compartir en familia o con amigos. Su textura fundente y la facilidad de combinarlo con ingredientes dulces o salados lo convierten en una receta imprescindible para cualquier ocasión.

15 Recetas deliciosas con pollo

20 Recetas deliciosas con pollo

Estaremos de acuerdo en que el pollo es una de las carnes más consumidas en todo el mundo, y no es para menos: es versátil, puedes prepararla de mis formas distintas y es relativamente económica. ¡Es un ingrediente tan versátil! En este post, he reunido 15 recetas con pollo que te harán disfrutar de este delicioso ingrediente de mil maneras diferentes.

Pollo al horno al toque de ajo, limón y zumaque

Pollo al horno al toque de ajo, limón y zumaque

Si buscas una receta sencilla, pero llena de sabor, este pollo asado al horno es la opción perfecta. Con un toque de ajo, limón y zumaque, este plato logra una armonía de sabores que transforma un pollo común en una auténtica delicia. El frescor y la acidez del limón y la suavidad del ajo es un clásico del pollo asado... ¡Y al pincelarlo con mantequilla aromática al toque del zumaque verás que adquiere un colorcito y una profundidad de sabor irresistible!

Nidos de huevo con spaguettis de verduras

Egg nests with vegetable spaghetti

Sometimes it can be difficult for the little ones at home, and some older ones!, to put on a good face when it comes to vegetables to eat. But with these egg nests with vegetable spaghetti, you will see how everyone wants seconds. This recipe is perfect for combining colorful vegetables, forming nests that are as striking as they are nutritious, which will look great with the egg in the center.
Salmón al curry verde con leche de coco (receta en sartén)

Green Curry Salmon with Coconut Milk (Skillet Recipe)

There are recipes that become a staple because they have everything: they are easy, quick and full of flavour. This green curry salmon is one of my favourites when I want something delicious without overcomplicating things. And I assure you that they comfort the soul!

Copas de Mousse de queso y limón

Cheese and lemon mousse cups

If you're looking for a quick, easy dessert that always succeeds, these lemon and cheese mousse cups are the perfect choice. With very few ingredients and without having to complicate things in the kitchen, you'll have a fresh, creamy and flavourful dessert that can be prepared in no time.
Ternera rellena con frutos secos y naranja, en cocotte

Veal stuffed with nuts and orange, in a cocotte

Who said that making stuffed beef was complicated? If you've ever been scared by the idea of ​​preparing stuffed beef for a special occasion, I assure you that with this recipe there is nothing to fear. It is a surprisingly simple recipe, and the result is worthy of any celebration, whether it's for Christmas or for a family meal where you want to shine.

Cómo hacer krumkake noruegos tradicionales

How to make traditional Norwegian krumkake

If there is one cookie that represents the Christmas spirit in Norway, it is the krumkake. These delicate, thin, crispy wafers with beautiful embossed patterns are a recipe that is passed down from generation to generation, always with the same care and dedication. Best of all, they are not only pretty, they are also delicious and surprisingly easy to make.
Estrella de hojaldre de tres sabores: chocolate, caramelo y crema-Claudia&Julia

Puff pastry star in three flavors: chocolate, caramel and cream

A chocolate, caramel and pastry cream puff pastry, do you know how delicious it is? The truth is that this recipe, if you use purchased refrigerated dough, is very easy to make, and it is super pretty to look at and delicious to enjoy.
Té de canela: la infusión que calienta mi invierno y cuida mi salud

Cinnamon tea: the infusion that warms my winter and takes care of my health

If there is a drink that combines simplicity, aroma and a touch of warmth, it is cinnamon tea. In the colder months, it has become my favorite choice to accompany a moment of rest. It is light, has a spicy touch that is not overwhelming and, best of all, its natural sweetness makes it perfectly balanced.
Alcachofas con jamón

Artichokes with ham

There are flowers that are much prettier before they appear on the plant. A clear example is the artichoke, which, in addition to beauty, has among its assets a delicious flavor and a lot of beneficial properties for our body. With these artichokes with ham that I bring you today, I share with you a traditional Spanish recipe prepared in a pressure cooker, so that what is good and beautiful is also fast and economical. A perfect recipe!