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Le Creuset Cast Iron Round Skillet
From 96,75€ 129,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicBlack MattGarnetNectarAzureWhiteIndigoCoastal BlueSea Salt+ 7 more
Le Creuset Round Evolution Cocotte from 18 to 34 cm
From 176,25€ 235,00€ Sale
CeriseMeringueVolcanicMarseilleSatin BlackWhiteChambrayThymeGarnetNectarOceanDeep TealNavyShell PinkAzureFlintBambooCaribeCoastal BlueArtichokeSea SaltBerry+ 19 more
Le Creuset 26cm Deep Skillet
From 172,00€ 215,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicSatin BlackNectarAzureMeringueBambooWhiteSea Salt+ 6 more
Le Creuset Stoneware Petite Casserole
From 20,25€ 27,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicMeringueGarnetChambrayBlack OnyxThymeSea SaltNectarAzureFlintShell PinkBambooCaribeDeep TealChiffon PinkWhiteBerry+ 15 more
Le Creuset Cast Iron Shallow Casserole
From 198,75€ 265,00€ Sale
CeriseMeringueOcean with phenolic knobChambrayGarnetNectarAzureCerise with Black InteriorWhiteThymeCoastal BlueSea SaltBlackBerry+ 11 more
Le Creuset Mug (350ml)
From 12,60€ 18,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicGarnetMeringueNectarAzureCaribeDeep TealShell PinkBambooFlintCoastal BlueWhiteThymeCottonSea Salt+ 13 more
Le Creuset Cast Iron Oval Casserole from 27 to 40cm
From 260,00€ 325,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicSatin BlackGarnetMeringueNectarAzureCaribeDeep TealBambooOcean with phenolic knobThymeCoastal BlueSea Salt+ 11 more
Le Creuset Coupe Stoneware Bowl
From 19,00€
FlintMeringueSea SaltShell PinkCeriseVolcanicAzureWhiteChambrayDeep TealBerry+ 8 more
Le Creuset Coupe Stoneware Plates
From 17,60€ 22,00€ Sale
FlintMeringueSea SaltShell PinkCeriseVolcanicAzureWhiteChambrayDeep TealBerry+ 8 more
Le Creuset Square Skillet Grill Pan
From 143,20€ 179,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicGarnetMeringueWhiteThymeChambraySea Salt+ 5 more
Le Creuset Stoneware Plates
From 18,20€ 24,00€ Sale
CeriseFigGarnetNectarCaribeDeep TealShell PinkAzureFlintBambooVolcanicSoleilWhite+ 10 more
Le Creuset Stoneware Oval Spoon Rest
From 15,30€ 18,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicMeringueGarnetNectarAzureBambooDeep TealSatin BlackChambrayWhiteThymeSea Salt+ 10 more
Le Creuset Salt or Pepper Mill
From 38,25€ 45,00€ Sale
CeriseVolcanicMeringueChambrayGarnetSatin BlackNectarAzureWhiteSea Salt+ 7 more