Do you want to collaborate with Claudia&Julia?

If you like our website and what we do, you can collaborate with us by being part of the Claudia&Julia ambassador program, and help us reach more people.

At Claudia&Julia we believe that there is nothing more important than cooking with love for the people we love. Select the best ingredients and cook them naturally, preserving all their flavors and properties. We like traditional cooking recipes and using quality kitchenware, accessories and cookware . Can you help us share it?

1. Fill in the form with your information for the application.

Fill out our application form so we can get to know you. Write down your data and share with us your profiles on social networks.

We want to know more about you!

2. We will contact you to inform you about the process selection..

If your application has been approved, we will contact you via email, and you can start using your personal code immediately.

3. Start sharing and collaborating with us!

It's time to start uploading photos and sharing your code with your community.

Remember that you will get commissions with each sale!

What benefits does the Ambassador program have for me?

Once your application has been approved, you will get a personal 10% discount code for all your purchases. In addition, you will receive a 5% discount code to share with your community. With each purchase made with your discount code you will receive a 5% commission in your PayPal account.

If you have any doubt or question, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to We will be happy to help you!

What do you need to become an Ambassador?



The ambassador program is our main form of collaboration. If you are looking for a different way to collaborate with us, send us an email to explaining your idea.