Mermelada de frambuesa y pimiento de Espelette"-Claudia&Julia

Raspberry, capsicum and Espelette pepper jam

If you like discovering new flavors as much as I do, resulting from the combination of ingredients that, a priori, you would not have thought of mixing, I assure you that you will love the recipe for this raspberry, pepper and Espelette pepper jam.
Focaccia dulce de chocolate

Chocolate focaccia

I'm dying to share this unique and delicious recipe! Today we will discover together the wonderful world of Chocolate Focaccia. This surprising variant, sweet and tempting, is the perfect choice for a special breakfast or snack.
Chocolate blanco con especias-Claudia&Julia

white chocolate with spices

Although you probably already know it, I confess that I am a chocolate maker. Very chocolatey. I don't make distinctions when it comes to varieties, because I like them all! But if I have to confess a secret, my weakness is in the form of a drink, and this white chocolate with spices is to touch the sky.
De la Nostalgia al Plato ¡Las 3 recetas de pancakes de hace 70 años que aún triunfan!-Claudia&Julia

From Nostalgia to the Plate The 3 pancake recipes from 70 years ago that still succeed!

I come with something very special, the 3 original Nordic Ware pancake recipes from the 50s! Yes, today is a full-fledged tribute to one of our favorite brands: Nordic Ware. And since tributes are always beautiful celebrations, I bring you three pancake recipes that will delight everyone at home.
Plátano asado con miel, con griego y granola-Claudia&Julia

Roasted plantain with honey, with Greek and granola

I bring you a delicious breakfast: roasted banana with honey. Served in a bowl and accompanied with Greek yogurt and granola, and a good touch of coconut and cinnamon, they are delicious.

The only thing you will have to consider is how much of each topping you want (I will leave you with several ideas in the post), but these roasted bananas become a vice and a sweet but energetic breakfast free of added sugars.

Bebida de chocolate rosa caliente (chocolate rosa a la taza)-Claudia&Julia

Hot pink chocolate drink (pink hot chocolate)

Surely you have heard of or have seen pink chocolate or ruby ​​chocolate. Whether you know it or are discovering it now, I bring you a perfect recipe to warm up and surprise whoever you prepare it for. The pink hot chocolate drink (pink chocolate a la taza) that I encourage you to prepare will be delicious.
Tosta con caramelo salado, plátano y miel

Toast with salted caramel, banana and honey

I bring you a breakfast of Gods, sweet and most delicious... And very easy to prepare! At home they will make you wave, while asking for one more. It is a toast with salted caramel and banana, a winning combination in itself, which we complement with some more ingredients to make it more attractive to the eye and the sweetest and most delicious in each bite.
Galletas saludables de avena y chocolate (¡Deliciosas, sin gluten y sin azúcar!)

Healthy Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies (Delicious, gluten-free, and sugar-free!)

I have not seen a faster and easier cookie recipe to make than this one with banana and oat flakes. It's as easy to make as you mash the banana, mix with the oatmeal and bake. Today I bring the two modalities of this recipe that are most successful at home. Of course, they incorporate chocolate: "Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies" and "Chocolate Coated Coconut Oatmeal Cookies." Which one do you think you will stay with?
Barritas de avena y frutas desecadas

Oat bars and dried fruit

More and more of us are not resigned to eating processed products, those of us who enjoy making recipes at home, with healthy ingredients, and without preservatives and even more so if they are products that in theory are called "healthy".
Cómo hacer barritas de cereales (¡Con receta!)

How to make cereal bars (With recipe!)

If you were wondering how to make homemade bars, you will love reading this post (and the mold that Mastrad has made!). Cereal bars are tasty, healthy, provide energy and are a perfect food to take everywhere (at work, to school, when you are exercising or simply to carry in your bag to eat mid-morning). Also, if you make the bars at home, you make sure to control the amount of sugar and the quality of the ingredients, and they have that extra "I made them", which is always an added pleasure, you can't deny me.