If you like discovering new flavours as much as I do, resulting from the combination of ingredients that, a priori, you would never have thought of mixing, I assure you that you will love this raspberry, pepper and Espelette pepper jam recipe.

The combination of raspberries and bell pepper would already make a very interesting jam , with the slight bittersweetness of the raspberry, highlighting the soft sweetness of the bell pepper. But by adding Espelette pepper, the nuances change in a wonderful way and the flavour is transformed, it is warmer and deeper.

The Espelette pepper is grown in the French Basque Country. It is harvested by hand during the month of September and, in its honour, the annual Espelette pepper festival is held in October. One of the most characteristic images is that of the strings of peppers that are hung on the facades of houses to let them dry.

Espelette pepper is very aromatic and, although its availability is limited, it is possible to find it in stores. However, as it has the same aromatic profile as paprika and paprika (all three are peppers of the same variety, Capsicum anuum ), if you cannot find it, you could substitute it with any of the two mentioned above.

You will see that the recipe for raspberry, pepper and Espelette pepper jam is very easy to make . The only thing you have to keep in mind is to cook it over a very low heat and control the temperature , to enjoy a perfect jam, not only for breakfast toast; try it with roast meat or duck breast and you will see what a delicious morsel it is.

Here is the recipe, I hope you like it as much as I do.


  • 2 kg of raspberries
  • 1 kg of bell pepper pulp
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of Espelette pepper


  1. Wash the raspberries and clean the bell peppers, removing the white part and the seeds.
  2. Put all the ingredients together in the De Buyer copper jam pot.
  3. Place the saucepan on the heat and cook at very low power until the temperature of the mixture reaches 100º C.
  4. Very carefully, to avoid splashing, blend the mixture with a blender or food processor until you obtain the desired texture.
  5. Distribute the jam into previously sterilized glass jars and place the lids on.
  6. Turn all the jars upside down and allow to cool to room temperature.
  7. Once they are ready, store the jars of jam in the pantry to enjoy whenever you want. It is delicious!


  • The quantities indicated in the recipe's ingredients are enough for about 10 250 ml jars. If you want to make less, just adjust it as needed.
  • Although the recipe does not specify it, you can add a tablespoon of Espelette pepper (or paprika) once the jam is ready, at the end of cooking. It will intensify the aroma a little more.
  • Be very careful when blending the mixture and dividing it into the jars to avoid splashing (it is very hot). To fill the jars you can use a sauce spoon, a jam funnel or, if you have blended the jam very finely, the De Buyer stainless steel measuring funnel .
  • You can substitute strawberries for the raspberries; it will slightly change the flavor, but it will still be delicious.
Claudia Ferrer

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