Brochetas de solomillo marinado a la canela y miel

Marinated sirloin skewers with cinnamon and honey

Preparing these marinated pork tenderloin skewers with cinnamon and honey will take you a few minutes, and the result is really tasty. I strongly encourage you to try it - with so little effort but such a rich result, it will become a classic among your friends and family this summer.
Paté de campagne

country pate

When it's time to eat outdoors and enjoy delicious appetizers, it's an ideal time to prepare homemade pate de campagne, this time made in a mini-cocotte.
Papillote de salmón

salmon papillote

Today, so you can see how simple and fast cooking in papillote is, we bring you one of the most popular or common recipes using this technique, a salmon papillotte. We make it with a potato and zucchini base, and you will see that, with four basic ingredients and the special ceramic oven dish for papillotes by Emile Henry, you will get your family to eat healthily and leave the plates clean.
Tarta dulce de chocolate

sweet chocolate cake

If you like chocolate and want to surprise at home with a chocolate cake rich in cocoa, this recipe is ideal for you. It is a very simple recipe but with some of the most delicious results in terms of appearance and taste: based on a sponge cake full of cocoa flavor, and covered with a chocolate icing that is very easy to make, but that turns out to be the most eye-catching.
¡Recetas en quesera! Descubre otra forma de enamorar en el aperitivo

Recipes in cheese! Discover another way to fall in love in the aperitif

Emile Henry has brought out a beautiful ceramic cheese bowl designed to bring us much joy at the table. They call it Cheese Baker , and apart from being able to store Brie or Camembert-type cheeses in it once you have opened them, what is really gratifying is taking advantage of it to cook your cheeses. Yes, cooking them, so that you get some delicious melted and spiced cheeses and at the perfect point to dip or enjoy with a little bread.
Rancho canario de pulpo

Canarian octopus ranch

There are spoon dishes that are magical, dishes that take you back to childhood and to meals at grandma's house. This Canarian ranch that I bring you today is one of them, a simple spoon dish and, although the best known is prepared with meat, I am passionate about the version with octopus. It is a typical preparation of the Canary Islands, a truly delicious humble dish.
Galletas de chocolate tipo brownie

Chocolate Brownie Cookies

It is difficult to find something faster, simpler and richer to prepare in the kitchen than some homemade cookies (especially if we have an “extra” pair of hands ready to do the job). There are endless cookie recipes, but in general, each of us has one that stands out above the rest, our favorite cookie recipe, the one that never fails. In our case, and after a long and undisputed reign of the typical chocolate chip cookies, these chocolate brownie cookies are our latest weakness.
Patatas al vapor rellenas con bacon y parmesano

Steamed potatoes stuffed with bacon and parmesan

The Vitalis pot is today one of the most popular pots for steam cooking. Its success lies in the versatility of the uses of the pot on the one hand, and on the other hand, being made of stainless steel, it is a pot that will last us a lifetime in the kitchen.
Tacos de salmón con salsa oriental

Salmon tacos with oriental sauce

We love fresh salmon at home and our latest discovery is these salmon tacos in oriental sauce. To prepare it we use a wok and in a very short time we have it on the table.
Crema de cacao y avellanas casera

Homemade cocoa and hazelnut cream

Surely more than once you have wanted to know how to make homemade cocoa and hazelnut cream (the well-known Nutella or Nocilla). It is one of those foods that all children like and, let's be honest, we adults also enjoy eating it by the spoonful!
La incansable lucha de David contra Goliat

The tireless fight of David against Goliath

This week a person wrote to the store saying that a product was cheaper on Amazon, and that if we had it at that price they would end up thinking that we are expensive. Honestly, it bothered me. I find it a very unfair comment, and I would like to state two things.
Comparativa entre los robots KitchenAid y dudas frecuentes para escoger bien

Comparison between KitchenAid robots and frequently asked questions to choose well

A KitchenAid food processor is a big investment, but it's for life. For this reason, we receive some very frequent and recurrent queries that we hope to solve in this post, from what are the differences between the different KitchenAids to others such as which KitchenAid robot suits me, which KitchenAid is the most popular, doubts about accessories or how to get the book of recipes.