If you like chocolate and want to surprise at home with a chocolate cake rich in cocoa , this recipe is ideal for you. It is a very simple recipe but with the most delicious results in appearance and flavor: at the base a cake full of cocoa flavor, and covered with a glaze and chocolate shavings, very easy to make , but it is the most showy.

So you can call it a chocolate cake or cake, but this recipe is perfect for a day of celebration, or those Sundays when we decide that we are going to make a fetén dessert to celebrate that it is the weekend.

This is one of the recipes that come in the De Buyer HomeBaking Confectionery Set pack. It is a complete pack to equip yourself with some essential molds if you like to make pastries at home. It includes a square mold with high walls ideal for all types of cakes (the mold we use today), a rectangular mold for plum cakes, breads and tall cakes, and finally a low and detachable square mold to make low cakes.

Thus, de Buyer has brought out this set thinking of putting the essentials to equip everything in a pack, or offering a nice box to give away when you want to surprise some cooks. Like this one, there is also the De Buyer HomeBaking tarts set, if you are curious, take a look at it because it has some interesting accessories as well.

Let's go with the recipe. You should know that you can also enjoy it without the frosting, with that simply chocolate sponge cake base. At the end of the post I will also talk about it and a couple of ideas to present it, without the need for the chocolate coating. It is a recipe that I have loved, although I did not have many doubts that I would like the recipe, because it is made by French pastry chefs in collaboration with the house. I encourage you without a doubt to get with her now.

decorated chocolate cake


  • 325g dark chocolate
  • 225g butter
  • 250g powdered sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 125 g of wheat flour
  • 2 g baking powder

For the glaze:

  • 8 g gelatin (4 sheets)
  • 65g of water
  • 110g powdered sugar
  • 35 g of pure unsweetened cocoa
  • 60 g liquid cream


  • Chocolate chips
  • crunchy nuggets

Cake with icing and chocolate shavings


  1. In a saucepan, melt the chocolate together with the butter in a bain-marie .
  2. Mix the eggs with the sugar. Little by little add the mixture of butter and chocolate, and then add the yeast mixed with the flour (you can previously pass it through the sieve ).
  3. Pour the mixture into the square high-walled pan of the De Buyer HomeBaking Pastry set.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 35 minutes.
For the glaze:
  1. Glaze : Put the gelatin sheets in a bowl in cold water to rehydrate them.
  2. Boil the water with the sugar. Add the cocoa and liquid cream. Let boil 3 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and add the gelatin, well drained.
  4. Pass through a strainer to ensure there are no lumps, leave in a bowl covered with film, and let cool.
  5. When the frosting has cooled to around 40ºC, place the cake on a cooling rack (with a cookie sheet or foil under the rack to catch any frosting that may fall), and pour the frosting on top .
  6. With the help of a frosting spatula , distribute the frosting evenly on the top and sides.
  7. Decorate with the chocolate shavings and let the cake cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour.


  • You may prefer not to make the icing, or simply enjoy the base recipe for the chocolate sponge cake for breakfast or as a snack. Without a doubt you can, simply prepare the main cake (follow the first part of the recipe), and when the cake has cooled after taking it out of the oven, sprinkle it with icing sugar to make it pretty.

  • You can also make other decorations, such as decorating with crushed hazelnuts or almonds (more or less crushed, with a hand grinder you will control the grind well), or add fruit (red fruits are fabulous in chocolate).

Chocolate cake


Eva Vázquez said:

Es la mejor tarta de chocolate que sin duda he preparado. Queda muy jugosa, casi como un coulant. Para choco-adictos de primera….
He usado azúcar blanca normal. Para evitar grumos desagradables, bati mucho la mezcla de azúcar y huevos con un robot de cocina, con la mariposa puesta para dar un poco de aire a la masa, ya que apenas lleva levadura.
Y para ahorrar tiempo, derrito el chocolate con la mantequilla en microondas, controlando tiempo y temperatura…para que el chocolate no se pase ni se queme… Debido a la alergia a la leche de mi hija he usado margarina 100% vegetal en vez de mantequilla, y leche de almendras en lugar de nata para el glaseado. Con cacao marca valor en polvo puro.
El resultado es sublime. Sin duda una espectacular tarta de chocolate, que sin duda se convertirá en un clásico en casa.
Gracias por la receta

Lourdes said:

La levadura que pone,es polvo de hornear tipo Royal? Levadura seca? Levadura fresca? Gracias y saludos.

Amanda Amparo said:

yo quiero saber lo mismo que Veronica… Podríais decirme cuál es el azúcar en polvo? Es azúcar glas, o es otro tipo que no conozco?

Vicky said:

Hola Verónica, yo el cacao que uso es de Valor y puro y desgreñado. El azúcar lo puedes encontrar en Mercadona es azúcar glass

Veronica said:

Y el cacao puro para el glaseado es tipo cola-cao, pero puro? O tipo chocolate de fundir?

Veronica said:

Hola! Podríais decirme cuál es el azúcar en polvo? Es azúcar glas, o es otro tipo que no conozco?

Claudia said:

Hola Maria Angeles, Me alegro de ver que te he tentado!! :) Ya nos dices qué tal!

M.angeles Muñoz gonzalo said:

Hoy mísmo la hago, yá os diré como ha salido

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