Ensalada de remolacha y queso de cabra para la vuelta a la fiambrera

Beet and goat cheese salad for the return to the lunchbox

On this occasion, Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, offers us a salad that is easy to prepare and very healthy, thinking about going back to work. He prepares it in airtight glass containers, as you well know, the healthiest and most hygienic option to preserve food.
Bolo de caramelo

candy bowl

I am sure that many of you have been curious about the title of this Bolo de caramel recipe. Looking at the photographs, you will also have whetted your appetite. And is not for less! Virginia, from Sweet&Sour, leaves us caramelized with this recipe that comes from afar, typical of Madeira, to be explained with all the love and detail, as well as she knows how to do it.
Cómo ahumar lomo de cerdo en casa

How to smoke pork loin at home

I'm excited. You will think that I am exaggerated, but it is the truth, and I will tell you why.

For months already, from time to time there are magazines that show interest in our smoker They are interested because it is rarely seen here, we have brought it from the United States, and despite the fact that the name seems to say it all, the smoker it allows such good cooking results that it is a shame that people think that it is only good for flavoring smoke

Brownie de nutella

nutella brownies

Do you want to prepare a delicious snack or dessert for your loved ones? Luisa Morón, from Cocinando con mi Carmela, prepares this delicious brownie with nutella, a sweet recipe prepared with the Le Creuset skillet iron skillet. A recipe that just reading it will make your mouth water. You dare?
Apple pie, pastel de manzana al estilo americano

Apple pie, American-style apple pie

This time Míriam, from The Winter Guest, makes our mouths water with this Apple Pie, made in a classic Emile Henry style mold. Do not miss the recipe, it is certainly as delicious as it looks!
La provoletta

the provoletta

Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, brings us a recipe that is the delight of the whole house. Easy to prepare, it will capture the attention of all your guests and will be a delight for young and old. We leave you with this provoletta prepared by Laura, who does it in one of the most versatile and stylish pans from Le Creuset, the Skillet pan.
Steak tartar con menta fresca, yuzu y soja

Steak tartare with fresh mint, yuzu and soy

As a result of our collaboration with Delicooks, we bring you this recipe from our beloved chef Stephane Poussardin, who delights us this time with a European recipe with oriental touches -steak tartare with fresh mint, yuzu and soy. I encourage you to try!
Provolone picante al horno con concassé de tomate y ajo negro

Baked Spicy Provolone with Tomato and Black Garlic Concassé

Loreto, from Sabores de Colores , has just made our mouths water: she has prepared a spicy baked provolone, which, combined with black garlic and tomato concassé, makes the recipe wonderful.
Quiché Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine

Luisa Morón, from Cooking with my Carmela, takes us to France with this delicious Quiche Lorraine. A traditional dish that, cooked with love for those you love, becomes a real delicacy! And for a beautiful presentation, nothing better than the Kitchen Craft mold.
Presa ibérica a la plancha con verduras

Grilled Iberian pork with vegetables

Miriam García, from El Invitado de Invierno, invites us to prepare a juicy grilled prey accompanied by vegetables, made with a Le Creuset iron grill. A dish as simple as it is appetizing, healthy and tasty!
Tarta de queso y tocino de cielo

Cheesecake and bacon from heaven

Our friend Laura, from gastroblog Because , surprises us by using the multidelice yogurt maker to make delicious individual cheesecake desserts. Or is it that you thought that the yogurt maker was only for making yogurt? It gives for much more!
Ensalada de hierbas frescas con espuma de mató y vinagreta de miel

Fresh herb salad with foam of mató and honey vinaigrette

Our dear friend Stéphane Poussardin delights us this time with an ideal salad to take advantage of the kitchen siphon that many of us have at home. It is a light and fresh salad to surprise at home and beat the heat in the healthiest way. We also thank Delicooks for their collaboration. So we leave you with this recipe that we are sure you will love!