Vasitos de crema de chocolate y café

Cups of chocolate and coffee cream

Making desserts at home is rewarding, as well as delicious and, I must admit, really addictive! Especially when you discover how easy it can be to make recipes as delicious as the one Virginia brings us today, author of Sweet&Sour blog . You will love this chocolate cream dessert.
Bizcocho de almendra con mermelada casera

Almond cake with homemade jam

Making homemade jam is within everyone's reach. Those of you who have already made it know it well, and those of you who haven't tried it, I certainly encourage you to do so, because there is no jam more delicious than the one you make yourself with the fruit you like the most! You will be surprised how easy it is to do it.
Boquerones a la bilbaína con gambas

Bilbao-style anchovies with prawns

With little more than some good anchovies, a little garlic, oil and prawns, you can prepare some Bilbao-style anchovies that are a real delicacy. This recipe that Carmen (author of Yerbabuena in the kitchen) brings us is very rich, healthy and easy to prepare. It is an ideal recipe for these summer days, do not forget to try it because you will succeed!
Flaugnarde de frambuesas y nectarinas

Flaugnarde of raspberries and nectarines

When Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores , presented me with the recipe that you find here today, she told me "Claudia, go ahead and prepare it because it's super-rich!". After seeing it, I did not doubt his words, because with the photos it is already clear that it is a recipe that without a doubt we should all try. I have already done it, and I confirm that you are absolutely right!
Angel food cake o bizcocho de claras

Angel food cake or egg white cake

One of the most classic bundt pans is the Angel Bundt pan from Nordic Ware. It is a mold that is very popular because, being a round, smooth and tall mold, it gives a lot of play and allows for a multitude of recipes and combinations.
Fettuccini con berenjena y tomate cherry

Fettuccini with aubergine and cherry tomato

There are many who think that eating fresh homemade pasta is really a privilege. That's right, it's a privilege that so many others could also enjoy, because making pasta at home is much easier than most think. Today Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas , teaches us how to do it and proposes a recipe with that freshly prepared pasta that you will love!

Sopa marinera con arroz

Seafood soup with rice

Today Loreto, author of the blog Sabores de Colores, brings us a recipe full of flavor that I certainly encourage you to try. This seafood soup has been prepared in the Le Creuset cocotte of a very successful color, the costal blue.
Salmón marinado al limón y romero

Marinated salmon with lemon and rosemary

I am convinced that many of you know the blog La Cocina de Carolina. Well, it is that same Carolina whom we welcome to the blog today! He proposes a recipe that many will like, marinated salmon, a recipe that he has prepared with the new Monix frying pan, which he has been able to test exclusively before the market launch and that from today you can find here. Welcome Carolina, and everyone, have a good meal!
Rodaballo al horno

baked turbot

Given the dates in which we find ourselves, Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, brings us a light and healthy recipe: a delicious baked turbot, which if you like fish and do not want complications, I assure you that you will love it!
Baguettes de tradition

traditional baguettes

Making bread at home is one of the most grateful and satisfying things I know. Not only is it a process that relaxes us, but it also allows us to enjoy freshly made, artisan bread every day.

Hummingbird Bundt Cake

Hummingbird Bundt Cake

The author of Pemberley Cup&Cakes , our collaborator Rosa, invites us today to prepare a cake with a summer touch in the form of a bundt cake. Do not miss this pastry classic!
Cómo hacer hamburguesas caseras

How to make homemade burgers

Homemade burgers! Who is not clear that they are ten times better than the ones we can buy? They are so because we choose the best meat and mix it with the ingredients that we like the most, and also because what is done at home always has that extra satisfaction that makes us proud.