Cheese fondue (authentic Swiss recipe)
The fondue is an ideal gift: it is a very nice utensil that you can use both on a day-to-day basis -when you don't feel like major complications and just want to enjoy-, as well as in meetings with family and friends, fondue being an element that invites to share and have fun as a family .
Carolina, from La Cocina de Carolina , brings us today the authentic recipe for Swiss cheese fondue , a very easy recipe to prepare that I assure you will be a success.
Ceramic Fondue Savoyard by Emile Henry
Today I propose an authentic Swiss recipe, the cheese fondue made in the classic fondue with a stove for the table. There are countless versions of fondue, chocolate, meat or Chinese fondue; and hundreds of versions come out of each one as well.
We are going to prepare the cheese fondue, from which the other versions were born. To make this recipe, it is essential that the container be as authentic as possible , known as a caquelon or kettle, it can be ceramic or cast iron, it must be wide and not too deep, and it must have a short handle so that it can be transported from the kitchen to the table without burning.
You can accompany the cheese fondue with different ingredients, although the most common is bread with a crust (it is one of the foods to which cheese sticks the most); although you can also have the fondue with boiled potatoes, sausages, cherry tomatoes, gherkins and even apples.
1 clove garlic
½ liter of dry white wine
500g Gruyère cheese
200g Emmental cheese
300 g of mountain cheese (a Manchego for example)
2 teaspoons cornstarch
100ml Kirsh liqueur
ground nutmeg
freshly ground black pepper
Accompaniments (bread, gherkins, cherry tomatoes, boiled potato, apple…)
We start by rubbing the Emile Henry ceramic fondue with the garlic so that the flavor is well impregnated. We put it on medium heat and heat.
Once hot, add the dry white wine. When it starts to smoke, we will add the grated and mixed cheeses, little by little, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon without stopping, until it has completely melted.
We will mix the Kirsh liqueur together with the cornstarch, a pinch of nutmeg and the pepper in a glass, and add it to the cheese once it starts to boil, we continue stirring until it has the texture that we want.
If the cheese is cut, you can add a little more Kirsh with cornstarch and a squeeze of lemon. In the event that it is too thick, you can add more wine and if, on the contrary, it is too liquid, you can add more cheese or cornstarch dissolved in wine or Kirsh.
When it's ready, we take it to the table and light the stove to keep it warm; and now you can pick up the fondue forks, you will enjoy it to the fullest!
Merry christmas!
Tim said:
Amb apensel o amb fortmatge de la val de bagnes, és la recepta autèntica
Claudia said:
Hola Pedro, me encanta la propuesta!! :) Tomo nota, un saludo y gracias por la sugerencia!
Pedro said:
Me gustaría que pusieran más recetas de Julie&Julia
Un saludo y feliz Año Pedro
Claudia said:
Hola Isabel, el libro lo deberías haber recibido al momento por email. Te lo mando en unos pocos minutos, pero si no lo recibes, por favor, revisa el Spam, no fuese que estuviera allí :) Por otro lado, aprovecho para desearte unas felices fiestas, y gracias por seguir nuestras recetas! Saludos, Claudia
Claudia said:
Hola Rosa María, muchísimas gracias por tus comentarios, muy interesantes las anotaciones que das, ¡Me encanta! Aprovecho para desearte también unas Fiestas muy felices. Saludos, Claudia
Rosa M. Caralt said:
Hola tarda, la familia ja ha marxat i he aprofitat per obrir el correu i descansar una mica.Jo tinc una recepta molt semblant ha aquesta vostre treta d’un programa del Canal Cocina de la sèrie de la Sara Winer. (soc una seguidora seva) Els formantges que fa servir son Emmental, gruyer i apenseler.
Si no es vol posar licor perquè hi ha mainada i posa 5 avellanes torrades ratllades i quan s’hi posen els formatges, diu que s’han de remanar fen vuits (8)fins que comenci a espessí, a les hores s’hi posa el licor i la nou moscada i, si la funidi no es lliga s’hi posa una mica de maizena desfeta. Ella va fer aquesta recepta des d’un hotel de suissa. Va dir que el vi d’agulla que es fa servir, es el mateix que s’acompanya la fundi o sino, amb te.
Espero que os agradi aquestes anotacions i os desitjo un bon 2016
Isabel Moreno Arauz said:
No me llega ninguna vez el correo del libro.
A ver si tengo suerte esta vez .
Un saludo
Ya tengo Fondue pero la receta me parece MGNIFICA