Tallarines con verduras en salsa cremosa-Claudia&Julia

Noodles with vegetables in creamy sauce

Pasta is one of the foods that gives the most play in the kitchen. If you like to make it at home or if you buy fresh or dry pasta, you will agree with me that just sautéed with a little oil and laminated garlic, they will dress up your food wonderfully. But if you want an overwhelming success, with this recipe for noodles with vegetables in creamy sauce they will make you the wave.
Pan dulce trenzado Vianočka-Claudia&Julia

Vianočka braided sweet bread

I bring you a very traditional braided bread in countries like the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Its name is vianočka and it is a soft sweet bread with a delicious touch of vanilla. Its name comes from the word vianoce, which means Christmas, and the braid originally represented baby Jesus wrapped in his blanket. But today it is not only done at Christmas, but is enjoyed throughout the year.
Tarta de flan de chocolate

chocolate custard tart

It's International Chocolate Cake Day, and to honor it we bring you an authentic delight for cocoa lovers: a cake filled with chocolate flan! The result of this cake is similar to that of a cheesecake, as far as the texture of the filling is concerned: soft and enveloping, each bite fills you with the most delicious cocoa flavor.
Baguettes de Viena con chips de chocolate-Claudia&Julia

Vienna baguettes with chocolate chips

Vienna bread turned into a baguette and filled with a coating of chocolate chips. Can anyone resist this delight?

Vienna bread is a bread reminiscent of brioche, tender and rather sweet. In its preparation it incorporates milk, butter and eggs, and it is a dough that can easily remind you of brioche.
Rigatoni con setas-Claudia&Julia

Rigatoni with mushrooms

Today's recipe is perfect for day to day, but with a weekend touch: this recipe for pasta with mushrooms has completely won me over, because it offers us, in a very easy and uncomplicated way, the way to get a lot out of it and all the aroma of everyday ingredients that combine perfectly with the pasta, and build a round dish.
Camembert asado con albaricoques, miel y romero

Roasted camembert with apricots, honey and rosemary

Do you know the wonderful combination of cheese and jam? Well, that effect, but with the added bonus of honey and the touch and juiciness of the roasted fruit, is what you get with this wonderful summer recipe. This camembert melted in a cheese bowl and accompanied by apricots and rosemary is going to be the star of summer appetizers or as a starter for a dinner for two.
Albóndigas al estilo nórdico

Nordic style meatballs

Today I bring you a recipe for a very popular dish, which always goes hand in hand with a good bread to dip: meatballs. But this time we will accompany them with a different sauce than usual. We are going to make meatballs with a Nordic sauce, which seems to me to be the best way to use Bra's new Nordik non-stick frying pan for the first time.
Donuts de manzana saludables y fáciles

Healthy and easy apple donuts

You can make healthy donuts! Yes, today I surprise you (I hope) with these delicious apple-based donuts fried with hardly any oil... And some ideas to decorate them to your liking!
Rollitos de primavera de ternera

Beef spring rolls

I love the crunchiness of spring rolls. Making them at home takes very little time and allows me to make the filling to my liking or adapt it to the ingredients I have at the time. Today, we bring you a good recipe for veal rolls, with a touch of curry that makes them delicious in contrast to the sweetness of the brick pastry that surrounds them.
Timbales de berenjena y tomate al pesto

Eggplant and tomato pesto timbale

There are recipes that are undoubtedly classics of Mediterranean cuisine and this is one of them: aubergine, tomato and mozzarella timbales, which we culminate with a delicious pesto and accompany with black olives.
Coles de Bruselas asadas con jamón

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Ham

If you are looking for a very quick, healthy recipe for all kinds of situations, this recipe for roasted Brussels sprouts with ham is for you! You prepare it in 1 minute and let the oven work for only 20 minutes, so it is a quick recipe and the most effective.
Arroz frito con gambas (¡sin aceite!)

Shrimp Fried Rice (no oil!)

We can't resist sharing this oil-free air fryer fried rice recipe. The truth is that oil-free fryers are making a name for themselves in more and more homes, because they allow us to savor coquettes, potatoes or dumplings as delicious as fried ones, but without remorse.