Tajine de kofkas de cordero y huevos

Tajine of lamb kofkas and eggs

Lovers of slow and aromatic cooking are great fans of the tagine, a traditional utensil that gives character to any dish you prepare.

And if the dish is prepared by Loreto, author of Flavors of Colors , the result ends up being as wonderful as the one you see here. And I am at a loss for words, so I leave you with the recipe for this Kofkas tagine. Go get the pen... and don't leave the bread!

Espaguetis con vongole

spaghetti with vongole

Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, gets away from the copious casserole meals that abound so much these days, to propose a very traditional recipe of Neapolitan cuisine: Spaghetti con vongole or, what is the same, spaghetti with clams - flavor of the sea that melts with the touch of tomato, garlic and chili. A very easy recipe to make, which you cannot miss.
Gnudis de ricota, ajo asado y tomates secos

Ricotta gnudis, roasted garlic and dried tomatoes

Our dear Loreto, gastronomic blogger of Sabores de Colores, takes us today to Italy, but she does not do it with a typical Italian pasta recipe, but rather she presents us with a delicious gnudis recipe. To prepare it, he used, as you can see in the photographs, the De Buyer Mineral B iron skillet. Are you curious to discover this recipe with an Italian aroma?
Tortilla de patatas y Kale

Potato and kale omelette

Easily many of you are familiar with the gastronomic blog Flavors and Moments. Well, its author, Patri, debuts as a collaborator of Claudia&Julia.

Crema de hongos

Mushroom cream

Our friend Laura, from the Because blog, doesn't want to miss out on the opportunity that autumn gives us to prepare a fine and exquisite mushroom recipe. Enjoy this delicious cream!
Pasteles de carne al vino con trompetas de la muerte

Meat pies in wine with trumpets of death

Our collaborator Virginia, from the Sweet & Sour gastroblog, brings us an ideal recipe for mushroom season: meat pies with trumpets of death. One of those recipes that create happiness at home: a delicious combination of flavors with an irresistible presentation.
Risotto de hinojo, aceitunas negras y tomates secos

Fennel risotto, black olives and dried tomatoes

Virginia, from Sweet and Sour, presents a recipe on her blog that catches our attention for several reasons.
Pizza de queso, panceta y rúcula

Cheese, bacon and arugula pizza

This week Luisa Morón, from cooking with my carmela, teaches us that, combining love with a little water, flour and a few other ingredients, the result is a homemade pizza that will make young and old smile with joy. Do not miss this recipe from our friend Luisa, because you will discover that you can eat homemade pizza without much effort or difficulty.
Gambas a la plancha con alioli

Grilled prawns with alioli

How good it is to remember that there are things that, without great elaborations, turn out to be absolutely delicious! Our friend Miriam, well known for her blog The Winter Guest, knows this very well. He tells us today how he enjoys some prawns made with the Le Creuset iron skillet (everything cooked on iron tastes even better, right?), and accompanies it with a homemade aioli that you will want to finish dipping bread.
Ensalada de remolacha y queso de cabra para la vuelta a la fiambrera

Beet and goat cheese salad for the return to the lunchbox

On this occasion, Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, offers us a salad that is easy to prepare and very healthy, thinking about going back to work. He prepares it in airtight glass containers, as you well know, the healthiest and most hygienic option to preserve food.
La provoletta

the provoletta

Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, brings us a recipe that is the delight of the whole house. Easy to prepare, it will capture the attention of all your guests and will be a delight for young and old. We leave you with this provoletta prepared by Laura, who does it in one of the most versatile and stylish pans from Le Creuset, the Skillet pan.
Provolone picante al horno con concassé de tomate y ajo negro

Baked Spicy Provolone with Tomato and Black Garlic Concassé

Loreto, from Sabores de Colores , has just made our mouths water: she has prepared a spicy baked provolone, which, combined with black garlic and tomato concassé, makes the recipe wonderful.