Pastel de pescado (receta de falso pastel de cabracho)

Fish cake (false scorpion fish cake recipe)

Loleta, from Lola, Life&Market, brings today a recipe that you will love to make these Holidays or on special occasions. It is a recipe for fish cake, inspired by the popular Arzak scorpion fish recipe. Dare to prepare it, it will be a triumph!

Lasaña de carne

Meat lasagna

I think we can agree that there are recipes that are classics for Sundays or family meals: traditional recipes are the ones that never fail, that's why today we remind you how to prepare a delicious traditional meat lasagna.

Espinacas a la crema

Creamed spinach

Patri, author of Sabores&Momentos, brings us an ideal recipe to enjoy spinach: creamed spinach with a touch of gratin. It is ideal to enjoy at the table and also has no difficulty. You will love the recipe, You will see! You will see!

Humus de garbanzos con queso feta marinado y verduritas asadas

Chickpea hummus with marinated feta cheese and roasted vegetables

Virginia, the author of Sweet&Sour, brings us a recipe that cannot be missing from our cookbooks: preparing hummus at home is easy and gives a lot of play. It is ideal both as an appetizer and as a first course or accompaniment. In this case, it is presented with marinated feta cheese and some roasted vegetables, which combine wonderfully with the hummus.

Terrina de verduras al horno

Baked vegetable terrine

What more appetizing than some vegetables with mozzarella? Baked in the oven in the way that Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, proposes, they are a real delicacy, so don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy a delicious and healthy meal!

Penne con salsa de requesón y pimiento

Penne with cottage cheese and pepper sauce

Today it's time for pasta! A rich and easy recipe for penne (macaroni) with a sauce that gives it a lot of flavor. The title makes it clear, pasta with cottage cheese and pepper sauce... Surely you want to enjoy Luisa's recipe, author of Cooking with my Carmela!

Terrina de cerdo ibérico en croûte

Iberian pork terrine en croûte

The recipe that Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, brings us today, Iberian pork terrine with crust, is original and delicious. I encourage you to prepare it at home, it will be a sure success!

Canelones de espinacas, ricota y salmón

Spinach, ricotta and salmon cannelloni

Loreto, from Sabores de Colores, offers us a quick way to prepare truly delicious cannelloni: stuffed with spinach, ricotta and salmon and cooked in a skillet for an original presentation.

Fondue de queso (auténtica receta suiza)

Cheese fondue (authentic Swiss recipe)

The fondue is an ideal gift: it is a very nice utensil that you can use both on a day-to-day basis -when you don't feel like big complications and just want to enjoy yourself-, as well as in meetings with family and friends, the fondue being an element that invites to share and have fun with the family.
Suflé de queso castellano y hierbas

Castilian cheese and herbs soufflé

Preparing souflé (soufflé, as Miriam says) is an ideal option when you have guests... and now dates are approaching in which, who more who less, will have some commitment! Preparing it is within everyone's reach, but certain guidelines must be followed to make it look good. So I leave you with the advice of the author of The winter guest , and with this delicious soufflé of cheese and herbs.
Caldereta de pescado y marisco

Fish and seafood stew

Seasons of celebration with family and friends are approaching, and for this reason recipes like the one that Carmen brings us today, from Yerbabuena in the kitchen -a traditional recipe, which without great complications is ideal for any situation.

Canelones de carne y foie al aroma de trufa blanca

Meat and foie cannelloni with white truffle aroma

We are already beginning to smell Christmas, and many of us cannot imagine it without those family meals full of delicious dishes and joyful conversations. Cannelloni are an almost obligatory dish in many homes, so today Carolina, author of La Cocina de Carolina , makes our mouths water with some meat ones with a very special touch. Surely you want to take note, because he makes an adaptation of the traditional meat cannelloni that you will love !