What more appetizing than some vegetables with mozzarella? Baked in the way that Miriam, author of The Winter Guest , proposes, they are a real delicacy, so don't miss out on the chance to enjoy a delicious and healthy meal!

We prepare this baked vegetable terrine with delicious seasonal vegetables such as aubergine, zucchini and tomato. Although I already doubt when the season for vegetables is… weren't these vegetables originally from the end of summer? We are driving the planet and its inhabitants crazy.

Well, stop grumbling and let's get down to business. If we add slices of mozzarella cheese to some succulent sliced ​​vegetables , nothing can go wrong. And if we prepare them in a beautiful Le Creuset ceramic terrine , honey on flakes. But the flakes, for dessert after the terrine.

Terrines of this style only have one drawback: you have to turn on the oven to make them and, depending on where we are, this can become heroic. But what the heck, we prepare the terrine early in the morning and have it for noon, as we come from the beach/countryside/pool/revelry, to soak up the time with a delicious sangria. I have organized your life in a moment. It's what I like the most, bossing around.

vegetable terrine in le creuset terrine

Mediterranean crystal glasses and Le Creuset ceramic terrine


• 100 g shortcrust pastry (not mandatory)
• 1 eggplant
• 1 zucchini
• 2 tomatoes
• Mozzarella to taste
• 2 medium eggs
• 300 ml of liquid cream
• 1 tbsp. plain flour
• Salt and pepper

Preparation of the vegetable terrine

1. I have put a shortcrust pastry base for the terrine, which is literally the base, without covering the walls . I have used a leftover of shortcrust pastry for terrines, exactly the formula we have in the Iberian pork terrine . But purchased shortcrust pastry can be used.
2. Extend the shortcrust pastry to the desired thickness and cut a piece the size of the bottom of the terrine . We settle it down and cook this base in a vacuum, putting a piece of baking paper on top with dried legumes to make them weigh. Bake in the oven at 190° for 25 minutes.
3. While the base is cooking, we cut the aubergine into slices that we put on a strainer while we salt them. Let stand for at least 30 minutes to release the bitter juice .
4. When the base of the terrine is cooked, take it out of the oven and carefully remove the paper with the legumes. Let cool so as not to burn.
5. When the terrine can be touched, we begin to place the vegetables and cheese: a slice of aubergine, a tomato, a mozzarella cheese to finish with a slice of zucchini . If the section of one and the other vegetables is very different, we will put a couple of slices together of each class.
6. We repeat this sequence until we fill the entire terrine . We press the vegetables a little to finish filling the mold because they reduce in the oven. Let's go above.
7. Prepare the filling mixture, which resembles that of a salty clafoutis . In a bowl, beat the eggs with the liquid cream and flour. We splash to taste.
8. Let's pour this mixture between the vegetables and the wall of the terrine. We hit the terrine lightly on the counter so that the liquid penetrates through all the holes .
9. We put the uncovered terrine in the oven at 180° and cook it for 50 minutes or until all the filling mixture is curdled and the vegetables are golden brown.
10. We take out the terrine and let it warm before eating it, although it is also very rich from time to time.

To prepare this easy baked vegetable terrine we do not use the Le Creuset terrine lid because the vegetables have a lot of liquid and need to be dried/concentrated. Of course, then we will use it to store what is left over in the fridge. If it's too much, of course.

vegetable terrine in le creuset mold

Textured plate from Tokyo Design Studio , Mediterranean porrón and Le Creuset ceramic terrine

This baked vegetable terrine or vegetable pudding, which a grandmother would call her, is a succulent way to eat vegetables and is not a lot of work. If you prefer, you can do without the dough base and then the cake is assembled in no time. Perfect for the summer.


Anita said:

Salió deliciosa!!!

M.angeled said:

Había pensado hacerla hoy.
Pero no veo muy claro si las verduras van unas encima de otras. ,tipo lasaña
O colocadas una detrás de otra como a lo largo.
No se si me he explicado

Sandra said:

He intentando hacerla pero me han quedado las verdura un poco crudas en el centro. Como puedo evitarlo? Gracias!

Claudia said:

Hola Paula, la verdad es que está muy rica, te animo a probarla! Muchas gracias por escribir!! Saludos!

Paula de Loft & Table said:

Tiene una pinta estupenda y es una receta perfecta para una cenita en la terraza. Me encanta sobre todo la terrina.

Claudia said:

Qué bien, Loli, no sabes cómo me alegro! Espero que resultara delicioso. Un saludo, y ya nos contarás!!

Loli said:

La tengo en el horno!!!!! No me he podido resistir?, no tarrina es más pequeña de 0,60, pero igual de estupenda!!!! Ya os cuento.

Claudia said:

Me alegro mucho que te haya gustado, consol! Buena idea ;) Buen provecho, verás qué rico!

consol said:

Esta semana cae con toda seguridad. Tiene una pinta…. Yo le añadiría unas hojitas de mejorana para realzar el gusto.

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