Today is pasta! A rich and easy recipe for penne (macaroni) with a sauce that gives it a lot of flavor. The title makes it clear, pasta with cottage cheese and pepper sauce... Surely you want to enjoy Luisa's recipe, author of Cooking with my Carmela !

Sometimes (or should I say almost always?) we're just on time, but that doesn't mean we can't create a great dish! Preparing a pasta dish is very quick, and giving it a special touch, differentiating it to enjoy it in a big way, can be done with resources that you easily have in the fridge.

So the other day, when I was making this delicious pasta at home, I thought of you: it's a recipe I wanted to share because it's easy to make and also, the main ingredient is pasta... Who doesn't like it? At home it is naming the word "pasta" and everyone comes to the table without question.

penne with sauce

Fleur de Ligne bowl from Tokyo Design and Pallarès Solsona knife

You will have the recipe ready quickly, in about 25 minutes (did I say quickly, did I mean "in a flash"!), and to give it a touch of flavor, it has a sauce made from two vegetables and a cream of cottage cheese. Success is assured - in mine it always succeeds, both among children and adults!


  • 400gr of penne or macaroni (100gr per person)
  • 1 red onion
  • half red pepper
  • chopped fresh basil to taste
  • 400g of cottage cheese sauce or cooking cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Parmesan cheese to taste

penne with sauce

Italian Rustichella pasta and Tokyo Design bowl


  1. In a cocotte with boiling water, boil the pasta until it is tender, drain and reserve.
  2. Meanwhile, heat two tablespoons of olive oil in the skillet and fry the onion, red pepper and basil, all chopped into small pieces. Leave them for 10-15 minutes until the onion is transparent.
  3. Reduce the heat, add the cream cheese to the skillet and heat carefully for a few minutes, without letting it boil.
  4. Finally, mix the pasta with the previous cream, season to taste and serve immediately.
  5. Once you have served the dishes, add some fresh basil leaves and grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Ready our dish, easy, fast and simple.

NOTE: If you want to enjoy this pasta dish with authentic Italian pasta, I invite you to try the authentic Rustichella or Mancini pasta, both are of exceptional quality thanks to the quality wheat they use.


Luisa said:

Buenos dias Carmen y Mónica.
El requesón lo tenéis que comprar en cualquier establecimiento, puede ser queso de requesón y sino encontráis, podéis utilizar crema de queso para cocinar. En Mercadona tenéis ambos productos.

Mónica Fiuza said:

Tiene una pinta genial, pero yo tengo la misma duda que MCarmen, cómo se hace la salsa de requesón? O ya se compra hecha?

MCarmen said:

Tienen que estar buenísimos. Me encanta como presentas los platos y las fotos.Cómo haces la salsa de requesón? Un saludo

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