Mousse de chocolate blanco y limón con corazón de compota de frutos rojos

White chocolate and lemon mousse with a heart of red fruit compote

If there’s a dessert that has it all, it’s this white chocolate mousse recipe with a heart of red fruits. Smooth, creamy, and with a fruity touch that perfectly balances the sweetness of the chocolate. The best part is that it’s very easy to make, and the result is bakery-worthy: an airy mousse that melts in your mouth, with a homemade compote that adds freshness and crystallized fruits that bring an irresistible crunch.

Crêpes Suzette: crêpes francesas con limoncello

Crêpes Suzette: crêpes francesas con limoncello

Las Crêpes Suzette son todo un clásico de la repostería francesa, de esos postres que sorprenden por su sencillez y a la vez por lo especiales que son (¡Y super, super deliciosas!). Se trata de crêpes finísimas bañadas en una salsa irresistible de mantequilla, azúcar, zumo de naranja y un toque de licor.

Terrina de flan de caramelo

Caramel flan terrine

Si hay un postre que nunca pasa de moda, ese es el flan de caramelo. Pero cuando lo llevamos a su versión más refinada, como en esta Terrina de Crème Caramel, el resultado es aún más especial. Con su textura suave, su irresistible capa de caramelo y ese aroma inconfundible a vainilla, este clásico de la repostería francesa es perfecto para cualquier ocasión, desde una comida familiar hasta una cena más elegante.

Copas de Mousse de queso y limón

Cheese and lemon mousse cups

If you're looking for a quick, easy dessert that always succeeds, these lemon and cheese mousse cups are the perfect choice. With very few ingredients and without having to complicate things in the kitchen, you'll have a fresh, creamy and flavourful dessert that can be prepared in no time.
Clafoutis de frambuesas y marshmallows

Clafoutis with raspberries and marshmallows

I think clafoutis is one of the easiest and most successful desserts you can make. No complications, with ingredients you probably already have at home, and always with an impressive result. This version of clafoutis with raspberries and marshmallows has a special touch: the combination of the acidity of the raspberries with the spongy and sweet texture of the marshmallows creates a mixture that is pure comfort.
Receta de auténtico flan patissier (flan francés, flan pastelero o tarta de flan)

Recipe for authentic flan patissier (French flan, pastry flan or flan tart)

Flan patissier is a well-known and much-loved classic French dessert, found in virtually every boulangerie and pâtisseries in the country. It is a tart with a shortcrust or puff pastry base filled with a soft, creamy mixture of egg, milk and sugar.
Brioche chinois con crema de limón

Chinois brioche with lemon cream

Perfect for a party snack or a family breakfast, this Chinois Brioche with lemon cream, whose recipe I bring you today, is on the list of home favorites. In addition to being very good and tender, it has the advantage of being one of those sweets that can be repeated ad nauseam, since, just by changing the cream of the filling, it will never be the same.
Eton Mess, la receta de postre británico fácil y rápida

Eton Mess, the quick and easy British dessert recipe

We're getting ahead of ourselves! A while ago we shared with you a recipe for an ice cream that everyone who tries it loves and that really caught your attention: Eton Mess Ice Cream. Perhaps before that ice cream recipe we should have told you that there is a wonderful English dessert called Eton Mess. So today we bring you the recipe to prepare it!

Copas de Tiramisú de galletas speculoos

Tiramisu cups with speculoos cookies

If you like tiramisu, today you will discover a new version of this classic dessert that will make you fall in love from head to toe: these tiramisu cups with speculoos biscuits mix the aroma of coffee with crunchy and spiced Lotus biscuits, and the meeting of all their flavours in the mouth is, as its name seems to say, quite a spectacle.
Bizcocho Madeira de limón y grosellas-Claudia&Julia

Madeira sponge cake: recipe with lemon mascarpone glaze

I hope to make you fall in love with this cake today! Madeira cake, also known as Madeira cake, is a classic type of cake of British origin, and although it may seem like the classic lemon cake at first, it is a cake with a spongy, soft, moist texture, and added to the rich lemon aroma, it has become a classic and one of my favorite cakes. Today, we present it filled with currant jam and a layer of mascarpone cheese with a touch of delicious lemon and very easy to make.
Helado de canela

How to make cinnamon ice cream

This cinnamon ice cream is like taking a little bit of summer to your mouth with every spoonful. The recipe I am sharing with you today is for an ice cream that is very easy to make and is addictive. The possibility of preparing ice cream at home makes it much more enjoyable, not only because of how delicious it is, but because we can choose at all times which ingredients to prepare it with.
Tarta de masa quebrada rellena de chocolate extracremoso

Shortcrust pastry tart filled with extra creamy chocolate

This shortcrust pastry tart filled with extra-creamy chocolate is what you're looking for if you're thinking of a perfect dessert to surprise and delight your guests in equal measure. It's the perfect end to the party, especially if you love chocolate.