¡Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas!

As many of you know, a couple of months ago we opened our new offices. Here, a carpenter we knew worked wood as it has always been done. This workshop, where we now have our offices, still conveys what it had meant and gives me the feeling that it largely inspires what we do, it helps us convey this sense of craftsmanship, that we like the traditional, and that we put love in what we do as affection the carpenter put when treating the wood.
Mi opinión sobre los utensilios de cocina cerámicos de Emile Henry

My take on Emile Henry's ceramic cookware

I would like to tell you about a manufacturer that I am totally in love with: Emile Henry. It is one of the best known manufacturers of ceramic products for the kitchen in France and possibly throughout the world.
Flaugnarde de frambuesas y nectarinas

Flaugnarde of raspberries and nectarines

When Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores , presented me with the recipe that you find here today, she told me "Claudia, go ahead and prepare it because it's super-rich!". After seeing it, I did not doubt his words, because with the photos it is already clear that it is a recipe that without a doubt we should all try. I have already done it, and I confirm that you are absolutely right!
Tarta tatín de fresas y ruibarbo

Strawberry and rhubarb tarte tatin

To savor in a different way the fruits that will soon flood the markets and fruit stores, Carmen, author of Yerbabuena in the Kitchen , presents us with a delicious strawberry tarte tatin: she moves away from the typical tart that includes apple, and brings us closer to the color and essence of romantic spring. I recommend you try!
Mi opinión sobre los productos de cerámica Emile Henry

My Opinion on Emile Henry Ceramic Products

Patricia, from the Sabores y Momentos blog, talks to us on this occasion about some products that she knows well and is very fond of. Patricia has been using Emilo Henry molds and other ceramic utensils in her recipes for a long time, so I thought it would be interesting for her to share her experience and advice on our blog.
Quiche de endivias y puerros, inspirado en el libro de Julia Child

Endive and leek quiche, inspired by Julia Child's book

Patricia, author of the gastronomic blog Sabores y Momentos, presents us with a recipe that children and adults will like: a very healthy endive and leek quiche. It has been inspired by the recipes of Julia Child, whom as you well know we have in great admiration. So there is only one thing left to say: bon appétit!