As many of you know, a couple of months ago we opened our new offices. Here, a carpenter we knew worked the wood as it has always been done. This workshop, where we now have our offices, still conveys what it had meant and gives me the feeling that it largely inspires what we do, helps us convey this feeling of craftsmanship, that we like the traditional, and that we put care in what we do as affection put the carpenter when treating the wood.

We are a store that was born with the intention of making known certain products that we love from traditional cuisine: iron pans, the cocotte or ceramic molds to bake delicious cakes. We try to convey how to use and care for them, from our humble experience and opinion. All this, added to the esteem that many people have transmitted to us, has helped the store grow, and we are already 3 years old. Three wonderful years!

During this time, everything has been challenging - many things are new to us, starting with having an online store! The shipments, having a couple of people who help us (our dear Sergi and Ainoa), the warehouse, the advertising... The truth is that we have put in desire, care and a lot of effort, and the store has grown more than we could imagine.

So, come these dates, I think it's fair to say (or rather, I feel like saying) "Thank you!". Thank you for trusting us, for your messages, for your patience, for reading what we say, for your suggestions and opinions... Thank you to those who collaborate with us for your effort and great proposals, and for transmitting what Claudia&Julia is.

And what is Claudia&Julia?, sometimes they ask me. The quick answer is "a kitchenware store", but inside I can't wait to say "The illusion of my husband Jordi and I, a place where we put a lot of love and many hours, but that allows us to be with the children , and that we managed to make it not just a store but a meeting place for lovers of cooking forever, of good utensils that will last a lifetime and of traditional spaces". That's how I see Claudia&Julia, and that's how I hope it continues to be. This is my wish for the years to come.

I wish the same to all of you - a dream come true - and much peace and joy. Merry christmas!

the offices of Claudia&Julia


Claudia said:

Hola Isabel, muchas gracias por tu mensaje!! Qué ilusión :) En cuanto a la tienda, me temo que no tenemos tienda física. Saludos, y muy felices fiestas!

Isabel said:

Hola Claudia&Julia
Quiero felicitaros por estas palabras tan bonitas para felicitarnos las fiestas.
Desearos también a vosotros que paséis unas fiestas geniales en compañía de los pekes y de quién vosotros elijáis.
Muy feliz año nuevo y nos vemos en cocina!!
Por cierto, tenéis tienda física en Madrid? Es que soy muy clásica. Me encantaría visitaros. Besos.

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