Tortellini de ricotta al limón y sugo de tomate

Ricotta tortellini with lemon and tomato juice

The first time I made homemade pasta and saw how simple it was (for some reason I had imagined it would be much more complicated), I decided to always make my own pasta. He didn't even have a pasta machine, he stretched it out with a rolling pin, rolled it up and cut it into noodles. With my roommates we experimented with cuttlefish ink, spinach, turmeric, etc. to give it different colors and aromas.

Fideos soba caseros en caldo de verduras

Homemade soba noodles in vegetable broth

Globalization has brought us delicious dishes from distant lands, including all the pasta consumed in Japan, like these homemade soba noodles that we can prepare with the KitchenAid robot's pasta accessory and that we put in an orientalizing vegetable broth. Yum.

Ravioli dulces de queso con miel

Sweet honey cheese ravioli

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like pasta, right? I would say that it is almost impossible, since there are many varieties and it would be extremely rare not to find one that suits your tastes. Well, the same thing happens with ravioli, this pasta can be filled with anything you can imagine, there is even a version of sweet ravioli.

Lasagna de confit de pato

Duck confit lasagna

If there is a dish that people like at home, it is pasta. And this duck confit lasagna is a party version that we make from time to time. We reserve it for special occasions, a celebration, a birthday or even New Year's Day. The grace of this lasagna is not only that more festive filling, but the pasta you can say that you have made it. And that is definitely always a plus.

Cómo hacer noodles de huevo

How to make egg noodles

At home we usually make a lot of fresh pasta, we love it, but especially my son. I couldn't say what he likes more, spending time together in the kitchen preparing it or tasting it afterwards. He is a fan of pasta. I've been introducing him to Asian cuisine (which I adore!) for some time now and he's quite enjoying it so far. The easiest thing to make a first contact with are the noodles. It could be said that it is a direct family of pasta, so with this I was on the safe side. So today I show you how to make egg noodles.

Lasaña vegetal

Vegetable lasagna

Carmen, author of Yerbabuena in the kitchen, brings us one of the most classic vegetable lasagna recipes, based on spinach, ricotta and a good dose of zucchini. The pasta, which is fresh and homemade, and you'll see...!!

Raviolis de bolognesa

bolognese ravioli

Making ravioli at home is not complicated and is really satisfying. Lola, author of the Loleta blog, tells you how to prepare ravioli stuffed with bolognese. A most tasty proposal!

Tallarines con verduras y champiñones

Noodles with vegetables and mushrooms

Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas, brings us a rich recipe for tagliatelle with vegetables and mushrooms. With her, he shows us the entire process to prepare them, from making the pasta at home with the Imperia machine, to the final touch after sautéing them in the wok. Do not miss it because it is a really rich recipe, and that you can enjoy every day!

Cómo hacer pasta fresca

How to make fresh pasta

Today we are talking about how to make fresh pasta, because if you have ever tried fresh pasta you will know how little it has to do with the traditional dry pasta that we are used to, it surpasses it in every way.

Croquetas de jamón y pollo

Ham and chicken croquettes

Today Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, brings us a recipe to prepare delicious croquettes at home. I encourage you to prepare them, with their tips and tricks they will undoubtedly be perfect for you.

Pasta fresca con mantequilla de trufa

Fresh pasta with truffle butter

What about the pleasure of enjoying fresh pasta freshly made at home? Preparing it is very easy, but if you also accompany it with a delicious truffle sauce as Beatriz, author of To Be Gourmet, suggests, the result is spectacular. I hope you enjoy it!

Lasaña de pollo en mini-cocottes

Chicken lasagna in mini cocottes

Luisa, whom you know from the Cooking with my Carmela blog, invites us to prepare a delicious chicken lasagna, which will surprise you with its easy preparation and original presentation. I assure you that your guests will love it!