Canelones de carne y foie al aroma de trufa blanca

Meat and foie cannelloni with white truffle aroma

We are already beginning to smell Christmas, and many of us cannot imagine it without those family meals full of delicious dishes and joyful conversations. Cannelloni are an almost obligatory dish in many homes, so today Carolina, author of La Cocina de Carolina , makes our mouths water with some meat ones with a very special touch. Surely you want to take note, because he makes an adaptation of the traditional meat cannelloni that you will love !
Ensalada templada con ravioli caseros rellenos de trompetas y miel

Warm salad with homemade ravioli stuffed with trumpets and honey

Every day there are more who dare to prepare pasta at home. You choose the ingredients you use, you enjoy making it, it's fresh and it's richer. Although I think that the best thing is yet another thing: the surprise that one gets the first day of trying to do it, discovering that it is much easier than it seems.
Lumaconi con espinacas y ricotta

Lumaconi with spinach and ricotta

Today Carmen, from Yerbabuena in the kitchen , proposes us to prepare a recipe that will be very delicious: pasta stuffed with spinach and ricotta. If you follow each step, it will be easy for you to do, and I am convinced that it will surprise and delight everyone!
Mi opinión sobre la máquina de pasta Imperia

My opinion on the Imperia pasta machine

Given that the interest in things made at home is growing, and that many of you are curious to understand exactly how the Imperia pasta machine works, today Virginia -author of Sweet & Sour - tells us her point of view about this utensil and how to use it.
Fettuccini con berenjena y tomate cherry

Fettuccini with aubergine and cherry tomato

There are many who think that eating fresh homemade pasta is really a privilege. That's right, it's a privilege that so many others could also enjoy, because making pasta at home is much easier than most think. Today Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas , teaches us how to do it and proposes a recipe with that freshly prepared pasta that you will love!

Mi opinión sobre la picadora de carne manual

My opinion on the manual meat grinder

Making our own meatballs and hamburgers is an easy task. By making them at home we get a really superior flavor to those that can be bought regularly, due to the spices and seasonings that we add to our liking. If we also choose and chop the meat ourselves, the results are ten.
Tagliatelle de remolacha con salsa de gorgonzola y piñones

Beet tagliatelle with gorgonzola sauce and pine nuts

Making pasta at home, although it seems complicated, is very easy. You only need flour and egg, and follow the steps of kneading, stretching and cutting. A few simple steps that bring us radically different results in texture and flavor from the pasta we usually buy.
Mi experiencia con el robot de cocina KitchenAid

My experience with the KitchenAid food processor

Today Miguel Ángel, author of the blog Green Peppers, tells us about the Kitchen Aid food processor. His experience has shown him that the purchase has been worth it: it has become his ally and helper in the kitchen. For this reason, he wanted to share with us the most positive points of buying a Kitchen
¿Merece la pena comprar un robot KitchenAid?

Is it worth buying a KitchenAid robot?

Most of us love the design of the KitchenAid, but many of you actually wonder what it is, what it is for and if it is worth buying this kitchen machine. So let's start from the beginning: the KitchenAid is a kitchen machine that is used to knead, mix and beat .
Cómo preparar pasta fresca en casa

How to prepare fresh pasta at home

Today I would like to talk to you about homemade pasta. It seems complicated to elaborate and the truth is that it is not as difficult as it seems. I enjoy preparing it a lot and it is a guaranteed success at home :)