Ensalada de pepino con aliño

Cucumber salad with dressing

Light and refreshing, cucumber salad is one of the most fashionable recipes: It is delicious with the dressing I bring you today! But without a doubt, other great advantages are the ease of preparation and its benefits for our skin (Among many others!).
Ensalada tibia de espinacas, vieras y rebozuelos-Claudia&Julia

Warm salad with spinach, scallops and chanterelles

This warm salad of spinach, scallops and chanterelles, with the master recipe of chef Philippe Laruelle, is a delicacy; You just have to prepare it to convince yourself.
Bol comestible de tortilla con ensalada de batata asada y aderezo de aguacate-Claudia&Julia

Edible Tortilla Bowl with Roasted Sweet Potato Salad and Avocado Dressing

Transform a tortilla into the edible bowl of your recipes. It will become common at home once you try it! I love it, whether it is to serve a salad in an original way, some eggs on a plate or sweet recipes, it is very easy and ideal!

Today I suggest you create your own tortilla bowls in the oven and enjoy this delicious American-style salad with an avocado and cilantro dressing.

Ensalada multicolor de burrata con tomates y pesto casero-Claudia&Julia

Multicolored burrata salad with tomatoes and homemade pesto

There are fabulous combinations, resulting in a delicious dish full of flavors. One of them is cheese with tomato and pesto, which can be served as an appetizer accompanied by a few slices of toasted bread or as a perfect starter. This burrata with colorful cherry tomato salad and homemade pesto is an ideal dish.
Ensalada césar con pechugas de pollo marinadas-Claudia&Julia

Caesar salad with marinated chicken breasts

Today I bring you one of the most popular summer salads, the classic Caesar salad, and I propose a different way of preparing chicken breasts, with a juicy and very tasty result that will delight everyone at home. This Caesar salad with marinated chicken breasts doesn't have any secrets, but it will turn your plate into a show.
Ensalada caprese con tomates cherry

Caprese salad with cherry tomatoes

Originally from the beautiful island of Capri, the caprese salad is a summer dish like few others. A recipe that is a true gastronomic symbol of Italy, which with the combination of its three main ingredients pays a clear tribute to the colors of its flag: the red of the tomato, the white of the mozzarella and the green of the fresh basil.
Verduras salteadas al estilo oriental

Oriental-style stir-fried vegetables

This oriental-style stir-fried vegetables recipe is a round set of flavors that everyone loves. With artichokes, mushrooms, spring onions, green asparagus, and corn, this luxurious dish is bursting with color and flavor. Very little cooking time is required so that the vegetables retain all their flavor and have that crunch that I love to notice with each bite.
Gambas con rebozado de coco y ensalada de pomelo-Claudia&Julia

Prawns with coconut batter and grapefruit salad

What I like most about summer are salads, cold soups and ice creams. That is why I always try to prepare a wide variety of all of them so that at home they do not get "bored" at mealtime. We can prepare an incredible assortment beyond the lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad. One of the latest preparations that has us totally hooked are these prawns with coconut batter and grapefruit salad . It is an authentic explosion of flavor and textures , very different from other types of salads that we usually consume.
Ensalada de fresas, espinacas y queso feta

Strawberry, spinach and feta salad

Fresh, easy, complete and delicious, this salad has it all! The combination of the freshness and sweetness of the strawberries contrasts with the intensity of the feta cheese, and all of this is seasoned with a Modena and honey vinaigrette that is very easy to make and that enhances the flavor of the strawberries even more.
Ensalada de tomate y espárragos a la naranja

Tomato and asparagus salad with orange

Simple, natural and with an orange vinaigrette that you will love in your salads and fish, this is this recipe for sauteed wild asparagus and tomatoes.
Cebolla macerada con atún al vinagre de Módena

Marinated onion with tuna in Modena vinegar

In summer, the queen of salads at home is this recipe for onion marinated in oil and vinegar, which we accompany with tuna. It is not about tuna with onions, a recipe in which the proportion of tuna is higher than that of onion.
Ensalada de rúcula con nueces caramelizadas y crujiente de jamón

Arugula salad with caramelized walnuts and crispy ham

You can give a twist to a salad in the easiest way. I strongly encourage you to try this arugula salad with walnuts and toasted raisins and crispy ham, together with the apple it is a wonderful combination. And those roasted and caramelized pecans... Oh, my God! They are delicious!