Helado de fresas asadas y merengue

Roasted Strawberry Meringue Ice Cream

Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, surprises us today with a strawberry ice cream with a very intense taste, thanks to the fact that it incorporates roasted strawberries. In addition, the ice cream is accompanied by meringue, so this appetizing soft drink becomes a treat that you cannot miss. Go for the recipe!
Mi opinión sobre la Kitchen Aid

My take on Kitchen Aid

Many of you are wondering whether or not it is worth buying a Kitchen Aid kitchen robot. Many of you would buy it without thinking, if it were not for the high price. It is true, a kitchen robot is a great investment. That is why I wanted to leave my opinion, trying to be brief and give what for me are the key points when deciding. It is an opinion, I think, sensible, and nothing more than that.
Helado de vainilla

Vanilla ice cream

A few days ago I told you about My experience with Kitchen Aid . If you read the article, you will know that I am totally satisfied with  this machine .

The last accessory I purchased is the ice cream maker (he ice cream accessory Kitchenaid ), and the truth is that I'm loving it. I have used it to prepare some healthy and refreshing fruit slushies and also this vanilla ice cream that has nothing to envy of the commercial ones. Plus, by making our own ice cream, we know exactly what we're eating. No additives or preservatives and we can also control the amount of sugar we use... So there are no excuses not to dare to prepare homemade ice cream!

Tagliatelle de remolacha con salsa de gorgonzola y piñones

Beet tagliatelle with gorgonzola sauce and pine nuts

Making pasta at home, although it seems complicated, is very easy. You only need flour and egg, and follow the steps of kneading, stretching and cutting. A few simple steps that bring us radically different results in texture and flavor from the pasta we usually buy.
Mi experiencia con el robot de cocina KitchenAid

My experience with the KitchenAid food processor

Today Miguel Ángel, author of the blog Green Peppers, tells us about the Kitchen Aid food processor. His experience has shown him that the purchase has been worth it: it has become his ally and helper in the kitchen. For this reason, he wanted to share with us the most positive points of buying a Kitchen
Pan con masa vieja en cocotte

Bread with old dough in cocotte

This week we have presented on the blog some basic concepts of kneading and techniques , tips to keep in mind when making your own homemade bread within our bread blog series. They came from the hand of Virginia, author of the Sweet and Sour blog , and after enlightening us with that little guide to making bread, she encourages us to try making it with this recipe for homemade bread en cocotte. Dare to put your hands in the dough: making your own homemade bread is priceless!
Helado de calabaza con salsa de caramelo salado y nueces cantonesas

Pumpkin ice cream with salted caramel sauce and Cantonese walnuts

Several fall elements are found in the title of this recipe, such as pumpkin and walnuts. Virginia, from the gastronomic blog Sweet&Sour, has brought them together to keep them cold... Making an ice cream that is a real delight!
Apple pie, pastel de manzana al estilo americano

Apple pie, American-style apple pie

This time Míriam, from The Winter Guest, makes our mouths water with this Apple Pie, made in a classic Emile Henry style mold. Do not miss the recipe, it is certainly as delicious as it looks!
¿Merece la pena comprar un robot KitchenAid?

Is it worth buying a KitchenAid robot?

Most of us love the design of the KitchenAid, but many of you actually wonder what it is, what it is for and if it is worth buying this kitchen machine. So let's start from the beginning: the KitchenAid is a kitchen machine that is used to knead, mix and beat .