Many of you are wondering whether or not it is worth buying a Kitchen Aid food processor. Many of you would buy it without thinking, if it weren't for the high price. It's true, a kitchen robot is a great investment. That's why I wanted to leave my opinion, trying to be brief and give what for me are the key points when deciding. It is an opinion, I believe, sensible, and nothing more than that.

The basis of the decision lies in whether you like baking or not. If the answer is yes, it is worth considering it. It gives you many advantages, such as strength and homogeneity in the different mixing, kneading and whipping functions. That is no small thing: the power of the machine (due to its characteristics not comparable to the power of others) means that it can knead very dense mixtures, without heating up and for a long time.

The fact of being able to knead or mix with the appropriate power, continuously and homogeneously, ensures better results than normal manual work.

But there are other advantages that seem very important to me: the fact of introducing the ingredients and letting it do the work allows you to prepare the recipes while doing other things in the kitchen. It is also a very clean machine, and the bowl itself has no corners or edges, making it very easy to clean. Besides, you only get the blades and bowl of the machine dirty, but your kitchen is left clean.

For me these aspects (power and homogeneity, comfort and cleanliness) are the most important. If you like making cakes and cookies and can afford it, it is definitely worth it. And I say "Without a doubt" because each and every one of the clients who have bought it and with whom I have spoken are very delighted with the purchase, they no longer know what they would do without it. We must not forget that it is a machine that looks great in the kitchen, and is so exciting that when you see it there every day you cannot stop using it, and you get a lot of use out of it.

If you want to know a little more about the different existing models, from the basic to the professional, you can see the post " Is it worth buying a Kitchen Aid ?"

Or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Good day!


Carme Macau serra said:

Hasta ahora utilizaba la thermomix para la reposteria, pero una vez me he comprado la kitchenaid , veo que la diferencia es grande , no hay comparación. Para amortizarla mas la estoy complementando poco a poco con accesorios, de momento tengo ya el procesador de alimentos, la licuacora y el exprimidor . No son baratos pero son sólidos y funcionan muy bien .

Claudia said:

Oh, sin duda Tresa! Gracias por el comentario, saludos y a seguir disfrutando de él.

Tresa Moure said:

Fàcil de manejar y rapido. Se gana un montón de tiempo. Muy aconsejable para los amantes de la pasteleria.

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