Today Miguel Ángel, author of the blog Pimientos Verdes, talks to us about the Kitchen Aid food processor. His experience has shown him that the purchase has been worth it: it has become his ally and helper in the kitchen. For this reason, he wanted to share with us the most positive aspects of buying a Kitchen Aid.
One of the tools I use the most in my kitchen is, without a doubt, myKitchen Aid . It is a very versatile robot that has become a great ally for me, especially in my sweet recipes. However, this machine is good for much more. Today we are going to get to know it better.
Many of you may be thinking about buying a food processor and have a thousand doubts about which one would be better to buy. That's exactly what happened to me and today, after more than two years with myKitchen Aid , I can say that the purchase was totally satisfactory and that my experience with it is excellent.
Kitchen Aid - A little history
The mixer we know today as Kitchen Aid was invented in 1919 by the American company Troy Metal Products Company and was launched under the trade name H-5.
In the 1920s, the wife of a company executive told him, "I don't know what you're going to call it, all I know is that it's the best kitchen helper I've ever had." So the H-5 was renamed the Kitchen Aid. KitchenAid mixers quickly became one of the most popular food processors and the brand launched new, smaller, more manageable machines to suit the needs of modern homes.
In the 1930s, the K series was launched, with a very similar aesthetic to the current one. As a curious fact, many accessories from that time can still be used in current models.
Since then, KitchenAid models have evolved to reach the current models, which with their wide variety of colors and accessories have become an emblematic and highly sought-after robot around the world.
In addition, we are looking at a reliable and durable machine that is manufactured in the United States following high quality standards.
Kitchen Aid Uses
The KitchenAid is mainly used for mixing dough. It is an excellent machine for mixing cakes, breads and other fatty doughs. It does an excellent job here. Of course, it can also be used to whip cream and egg whites with exceptional results.
All these functions are performed with the 3 accessories that come with it, which are:
- Whisk: This is useful for whipping cream, egg whites and for mixing batters that require incorporating air into the dough, such as muffins. It can also be used to make mayonnaise.
- Flat beater: used to mix dough. I use it to prepare shortcrust pastry and my sponge cakes, bundt cakes, cupcakes and other sweets. It is also perfect for making buttercream and the cream cheese I use to decorate my cupcakes.
- Kneading hook: Used to knead dough, such as pizza dough, brioche dough or to knead bread.
Additionally, we can purchase other accessories such as:
- Silicone whisk: perfect for scraping the sides of the bowl.
- Pasta accessory : this is a very complete accessory for preparing our own spaghetti, macaroni, bugatini...
- Meat grinder
- Glass bowl: it is always good to have an extra bowl and this one is not only functional but also pretty.
- Ice cream maker (or ice cream accessory): This accessory is my latest acquisition and I'm sure I'll be using it a lot this summer. You can make sorbets, slushies and ice cream in just 20 minutes.
Apart from these, there are other accessories on the market, although I cannot tell you about them because I have no experience in using them.
Thinking about the purchase
If baking and the world of dough are your thing, don't hesitate for a moment. The Kitchen Aid is your machine.
As I have already mentioned, it is a machine that works very well. The model I have, the Artisan , squeezes out its 300 watts of power in an exceptional way. Some people criticise that this power is lower than that of other robots in its category, but don't be fooled by this fact. The motor of the Kitchen Aid is super efficient and is able to work the dough better than other robots with more power. In fact, when kneading for long periods of time and with heavy doughs, such as brioche, the motor of my Kitchen Aid barely heats up and I don't notice that the machine is affected at all during these tasks.
Some people have told me that other food processors, the kind that also cook and chop (I'm sure you understand which one I'm talking about) can do everything that a Kitchen Aid can do... but that's not true. The Kitchen Aid does infinitely better with dough, and I'm not even talking about whipping egg whites or cream. There's no comparison. After all, this is what Kitchen Aids are designed for.
Another thing I like about it is that it is very easy to clean. The bowl has no edges or strange shapes, and it is also dishwasher safe.
And finally, another feature that won me over was the aesthetics and the wide variety of colours. It wasn't a determining factor, of course, but it did tip the balance.
If you are looking for recipes made with the KitchenAid, you can search for the Kitchen Aid tag on the blog (you will see them all here ). You will find delicious recipes like these:
- Pumpkin ice cream with salted caramel sauce and Cantonese walnuts
But you can make any baking recipe with the robot, as well as some others such as pasta, pizza, mayonnaise, etc. as I have mentioned. There is a wide variety of recipes for the KitchenAid, so it depends on your desire and your creative genius to set the limits of innovation in the kitchen.
If you have any questions about which Kitchen Aid might interest you the most (there are more basic models and more professional models), I recommend that you read the post "Is it worth buying a Kitchen Aid?", which explains the differences between the various models. And if you have any other questions or would like advice, you can leave a comment or call us and we will be happy to answer you.
Mario Brito said:
muy buenas tengo un sitio de reseñas también he agregado la kitchenaid, ya que son totalmente eficientes, solo que el precio es un poco alto
Rocío said:
Hola ,yo quería preguntarte a qué velocidad debo hacer una masa de galletas ya que veo que mi batidora salta la parte de arriba y me da miedo usarla no la quiero estropear.Agradeceria mucho tu respuesta😊
Kate said:
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Chelsea tröja
Claudia&Julia said:
Hola Anna.
Para amasar pan recomendamos mejor usar el robot de cocina dado que está más indicado para ello. Es cierto que también el procesador de cocina puede amasar pan perfectamente y es más versátil ya que ofrece más funciones, aunque si el uso que quieres darle es para amasar pan, te recomendaríamos el robot de cocina.
La única consideración a tener en cuenta es en respetar siempre las cantidades que indica el propio robot y no sobrepasarlas.
Muchas gracias.
anna said:
Hola. Tengo una duda. ¿Cuál de los dos es más adecuado para amasar pan el robot de cocina Artisan de KitchenAid o el procesador de cocina Artisan de KitchenAid?. Gracias.
Claudia said:
Hola Iván, gracias por tu consulta. Los robots kitchen aid de los que hablamos en este post son básicamente robots amasadores, robots pensados para mezclar y amasar masas y también batir, pero sin aportar calor ni cocinar. Así pues, y respondiendo a tu pregunta, la respuesta referente a los robots que aquí se muestran es que no.
Ahora bien, Kitchen Aid sí tiene un robot tipo Thermomix, para que nos entendamos, es éste:
Éste robot realiza muchas funciones de cocina, tanto de preparación como de cocción. Puedes verlo en su descripción, y si tienes cualquier duda lo comentamos! :) (puedes escribirnos a
Gracias y un saludo!
Ivan Muñoz said:
Se puede cocinar unas lentejas un arroz etc como con otros robots?gracias un saludo.
Marisol Snsn said:
Muchas gracias por tus comentarios sobre la kitchenaid, me han terminado por decirme a comprar una (cuando pueda)
Ana Rodríguez said:
Ay Miguel Ángel, qué alegría me das. Sigo soñando con tener una algún día _
Claudia said:
Buenas tardes a tod@s! Muchísimas gracias por los comentarios dejados, a los que ya tenéis la KA por compartir vuestra experiencia (tan positiva! me alegro!), y a los que no la tenéis por seguirnos y compartir vuestras dudas. Saludos a todos!
Miguel Ángel said:
Ana, la KA puede montar y batir cantidades pequeñas sin problemas. Las varillas llegan al fondo del bol. Viene. Ajustadas de fábrica, aunque si por el uso se “desajustara”, es muy fácil ponerla a punto de nuevo ya que el cabezal incorpora un tornillo de ajuste para regular la altura de las varillas.
Josefina Vallbona Parés said:
Hace varios años y estoy super contenta con el.He oido decir que
se calentaba y se tenía que ir parando,pues no es cierto .
Yo lo he utilizado muchisimo y no he tenido ningun problema
Mariángeles said:
No me cabe en la cocina. No hay manera. Me rompo la cabeza una y mil veces… no cabe… Tal vez algún día, en una cocina nueva, en una casa nueva… Soñar es barato.
Ana Rodríguez said:
Desde que la ví me enamoré de esta máquina, pero aún no puedo permitirmela… Ojalá algún día.
Me gustaría saber si trabaja bien también con cantidades pequeñas, digamos 1 clara de huevo o 1 huevo. Mis padres me regalaron (sin yo pedirlo porque no me parecía una buena compra para nada) una especie de batidor de varillas con pie (que intenta imitar este tipo de máquinas, pero a la legua se ve que se quedan muy atrás), de la marca Silvercrest. A primera vista pintaba bien, pero en cuanto puse algo a batir, las varillas no llegaban al fondo del bol y el fondo siempre se quedaba sin batir, con lo cual, tenía que quitar el pie y usar la batidora como una batidora de varillas normal de siempre.
¿Este problema también puede pasar con una KA? ¿Habéis probado a montar una sola clara o mezclar o batir pocas cantidades?
Es algo que me interesa mucho saber, porque en mi casa somos solo dos y normalmente siempre hago pequeñas cantidades de todo. Si con la KA no tuviese problemas con esto, podría seguir soñando con tener una algún día… Es que son tan bonitas… Y se pueden hacer tantas cosas en ella, y me gusta tanto la repostería… En fin, sigo soñando ;)
¡Gracias por estos post informativos!
BEGOÑA said:
Cada vez me gusta más esta máquina. La descubrí a través de El Rincón de Bea, pues me encanta su respostería. Yo hago todo en la thermomix y genial, pero me costó mucho cogerle el punto al batido de la mantequilla con el azúcar. También es cierto que la nata en poca cantidad le cuesta y las claras bien, pero no perfectas. Ahora me he comprado para complementar una batidora de varillas bosch. De momento tengo que seguir amortizando mi thermomix pero ya se le van gastando los botones y dentro de unos añitos me podré plantear el cambio, y entonces me pregunto, me encanta la Kitchen aid para la repostería pero, y para hacer cremas de verduras, rallar pan, la masa de las croquetas… también valdría? ¿Tiene temperatura la Kitchen Aid? Gracias y un saludo