Naked cake veraniega de frutos rojos

Red fruit summer naked cake

A few days ago I told you about the new trend in cakes: the return to traditional cakes or naked cakes. With the success they are having, a recipe could not be missing to encourage you to prepare one.

Naked Cake, la vuelta a la tarta tradicional

Naked Cake, a return to traditional cake

I have never been a great follower of fashion, and perhaps for this reason I have never made a cake with fondant or cupcakes with coatings or creams that do not taste like anything, despite their success. You will not have seen on the web or recipes or products or material for it. I admit that it is quite an art to make them, but they simply do not go with me. But there is a fashion that I definitely join, and it is the fashion of naked cakes.
Galletas gigantes de Avena con Chips de Chocolate

Giant Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

The author of Sabores y Momentos, Patri, brings us today a recipe that will attract the attention of many: Some cookies made in a pan! As it is not necessary to say much more to encourage you to read it, I leave you with its recipe. To enjoy!
Bizcocho Bundt de castañas y chocolate

Chestnut and chocolate bundt cake

Lately we are talking a lot about Bundt Cake type molds . They give a simple cake a phenomenal appearance. But if you also make the cake with love and a few well-chosen ingredients, the result will be exquisite. And that is exactly what Miriam, author of The Winter Guest , has done when she tells us how to make this delicious and pretty chestnut and chocolate bundt.
Moldes Nordic Ware: ¡Hacer un bundt cake perfecto!

Nordic Ware Moulds: Make a perfect bundt cake!

I knew that Noelia, La cucharina magina, was delighted with the Nordic Ware moulds. For this reason I could not resist and the last time I spoke with her I asked her if she could prepare an entry explaining the virtues of these molds and how to use them. If you are interested in these molds, don't miss it!
Bundt Cake de chocolate

Chocolate Bundt Cake

Luisa Morón, from the blog Cocinando con mi Carmela, presents us today with a delicious chocolate bundt cake. The cake that you propose is easy to prepare and can be baked in any mold, but a bundt type mold will give it that special presentation and texture that we like so much. I hope you enjoy her recipe and photos.

Pain Perdú

Pain Perdu

Carmen, author of the gastroblog Yerbabuena en la Cocina, today offers us a recipe that will be very useful, as it will help you take advantage of some things you thought were lost. It is one of the easiest to prepare and everyone in the house will like it, getting them out of bed just smelling what is cooking!
Gingerbread bundt cake

gingerbread bundt cake

Christmas is lived, but it is clear that it also depends on us to intensify more or less. As Patri, gastronomic blogger of Sabores y Momentos, is unconditionally addicted to these familiar dates, she is the ideal person to recommend us a beautiful and easy recipe to prepare a bundt cake that will be fabulous these dates (Although it will be welcome at any time of the year!) year!). I leave you with the recipe.
Bundt cake de castañas con Salsa de chocolate

Chestnut Bundt Cake with Chocolate Sauce

A fundamental characteristic of a good cook is knowing how to choose the most suitable ingredients for each season of the year. Because although today it is easy to find everything throughout the year, it is worth taking advantage of fresh ingredients when they are at their best. This way you get a better result in the recipe, apart from the fact that the one who eats it enjoys that delicacy much more, which he knows is made with fresh ingredients.
Rollos de brioche con canela y nueces

Brioche Rolls with Cinnamon and Walnuts

Surely you will see in the recipe that Noelia brings us today, gastronomic blogger and author of La Cucharina Mágica, a recipe that is worth writing down: These brioche rolls are a delight! It also presents them in the Kitchen Craft centerpiece that I like so much, and the addition of the rolls with this beautiful presentation turns an easy recipe into a temptation for all your guests.
Bundt cake de chocolate glaseado o “Tarta de muerte por chocolate”

Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake or “Chocolate Death Cake”

Today's recipe is especially dedicated to all of us who love chocolate. I don't know what would become of me without my daily piece! If you also share this delicious vice, don't miss the chocolate bundt cake recipe presented by Virginia, author of the Sweet & Sour blog.
Bolo de caramelo

candy bowl

I am sure that many of you have been curious about the title of this Bolo de caramel recipe. Looking at the photographs, you will also have whetted your appetite. And is not for less! Virginia, from Sweet&Sour, leaves us caramelized with this recipe that comes from afar, typical of Madeira, to be explained with all the love and detail, as well as she knows how to do it.