Receta de auténtico flan patissier (flan francés, flan pastelero o tarta de flan)

Recipe for authentic flan patissier (French flan, pastry flan or flan tart)

Flan patissier is a well-known and much-loved classic French dessert, found in virtually every boulangerie and pâtisseries in the country. It is a tart with a shortcrust or puff pastry base filled with a soft, creamy mixture of egg, milk and sugar.
Tostadas francesas con manzana asada con canela

Cinnamon Roasted Apple French Toast

Is there anything better than French toast to start the day off on the right foot? Homemade French toast is one of those classics that never goes out of style. Today I bring you a version with roasted apple and cinnamon, perfect for those days when you want to treat yourself without complicating your life... And you'll see how the whole house will smell like home!
Blinis de salmón y chantilly de eneldo

Salmon blinis and dill whipped cream

I'm sure that these salmon and dill chantilly blinis will become your star appetizer. It's a recipe that meets the three main requirements for success: it's very easy to prepare, it's ready in no time and its result is excellent. In addition, by just varying the ingredients, you'll have a wildcard recipe with which to vary and surprise at home or your guests.
Brioche chinois con crema de limón

Chinois brioche with lemon cream

Perfect for a party snack or a family breakfast, this Chinois Brioche with lemon cream, whose recipe I bring you today, is on the list of home favorites. In addition to being very good and tender, it has the advantage of being one of those sweets that can be repeated ad nauseam, since, just by changing the cream of the filling, it will never be the same.
Barritas de avena y fresas

Oat and strawberry bars

Whether you're taking it to school, offering a sweet mid-morning treat at work, or bringing a sweet treat to the table, these strawberry oat bars are quick and easy to make... and they're delicious!
Tarta de praliné de limón-Claudia&Julia

Praline and lemon tartlets

Today I want to share with you a recipe that I find delicious: praline and lemon tartlets. These little lemon flowers are a true spectacle, both for the eyes (aren't they so cute?) and for the palate. I love how the combination of fresh lemon and sweet praline creates a perfect balance that always surprises.
Mermelada de frambuesa y pimiento de Espelette"-Claudia&Julia

Raspberry, capsicum and Espelette pepper jam

If you like discovering new flavors as much as I do, resulting from the combination of ingredients that, a priori, you would not have thought of mixing, I assure you that you will love the recipe for this raspberry, pepper and Espelette pepper jam.
Copas de Tiramisú de galletas speculoos

Tiramisu cups with speculoos cookies

If you like tiramisu, today you will discover a new version of this classic dessert that will make you fall in love from head to toe: these tiramisu cups with speculoos biscuits mix the aroma of coffee with crunchy and spiced Lotus biscuits, and the meeting of all their flavours in the mouth is, as its name seems to say, quite a spectacle.
Madeleines de vainilla y frambuesa-Claudia&Julia

Vanilla and raspberry madeleines dipped in chocolate

What better detail than a beautiful bouquet. And if it is made of madeleines or vanilla and raspberry shells, the surprise is delicious! Whether they are made into a bouquet or presented on a pretty tray, with today's recipe you will conquer the heart and palate of whoever receives it. I hope you are encouraged to try these muffins dipped in pink chocolate, they are a delight.
Tarta de masa quebrada rellena de chocolate extracremoso

Shortcrust pastry tart filled with extra creamy chocolate

This shortcrust pastry tart filled with extra-creamy chocolate is what you're looking for if you're thinking of a perfect dessert to surprise and delight your guests in equal measure. It's the perfect end to the party, especially if you love chocolate.
Bizcocho de fresas y chocolate blanco

Strawberry and white chocolate cake

Since I first tried a chocolate strawberry cake, it has become one of my favourites. And you can't imagine how delicious this recipe is! The juiciness of the cake, together with the flavour of the roasted strawberries, makes every bite taste heavenly.
Semlor - Bollos suecos-Claudia&Julia

Semlor, Swedish buns filled with custard and whipped cream

Semlor or semla (singular) is one of the most traditional sweets in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Estonia. It is a cardamom bun filled with almond cream and cream. In my case, I have opted for cream and mascarpone, since for my taste, in addition to having a better texture and body, it is much richer.