Horchata de chufa sin azúcar

How to make sugar-free tiger nut horchata

Horchata de chufa is one of the favourite plant milks for many (mine certainly is!), and you will surely love to know that homemade horchata is a milk with infinite and highly valued nutritional properties, but we are often prevented from enjoying it by the sugar that has traditionally been added to it. But this is going to change today, with this recipe for homemade horchata without sugar and super delicious!

Tocino de cielo tradicional

Traditional heavenly bacon

The homemade recipe for tocino de cielo, this traditional dessert of Spanish gastronomy with more than 500 years of history, has great followers and, apart from being a perfect dessert to enjoy on Sundays with the family, it is also an ideal recipe to take advantage of the yolks. of eggs on the day you have a surplus*.
Bolitas de sésamo

Sesame Jaggery Balls (Gud Til Ladoo)

Gud Til Ladoo, the sesame balls you've probably seen before, is a traditional Indian sweet, especially popular during winter and festive occasions like Makar Sankranti and Lohri. This treat is made with simple yet nutritious ingredients including gud (jaggery, a kind of unrefined sugar common in Asia) and til (sesame seeds).

Peras al vino tinto-Claudia&Julia

Pears in red wine

Maybe you don't know that this traditional Pears in Wine dessert that you've probably heard about is a very easy recipe to make. In addition to delicious and elegant! Delve into the fascinating tradition of Pears in Red Wine!
Religiosas de crema pastelera y chocolate-Claudia&Julia

Religious pastry cream and chocolate

One of the desserts that makes me travel back in time and takes me back to Sundays for family celebrations is the tray of profiteroles or assorted Lyonnaises which, by taking center stage on the table, became the reason for applause. These pastry cream and chocolate nuns would have been my salvation, because when I had to choose between cream, truffle or cream profiteroles, they all looked delicious and I couldn't decide on my favourite.
Cantucci: galletas de almendra italianas-Claudia&Julia

Cantucci: Italian almond cookies

These charming Italian cookies, known as Cantucci or almond biscotti , are a crunchy delight that has captivated palates for generations. Similar to carquiñolis, their characteristic toasted almond flavor and crunchy texture make them a favorite choice, especially during the Christmas festivities.
Flan de huevo en olla rápida-Claudia&Julia

Egg flan in a quick cooker

Among the easiest and most satisfying dessert recipes, egg flan has always been my weakness. Its simplicity in preparation and its delicious flavor make it one of my favorite sweets. And now, I have the pleasure of sharing with you a simplified version of this classic, thanks to the efficiency and speed that the pressure cooker offers us.
Descubre el buttermilk: el ingrediente mágico que transformará tus recetas y cómo sustituirlo-Claudia&Julia

Discover buttermilk: the magical ingredient that will transform your recipes and how to replace it

Buttermilk, also known as buttermilk, is a fermented milk ingredient that provides a tangy and creamy flavor to various culinary preparations. Surely you have seen it in many pastry recipes, or you know of seeing it in supermarkets, because its use has become very popular. With reason!

In this post you will see what buttermilk is, how it is prepared, in which recipes it is used, and how to substitute it if you do not have it on hand.

Pan de muerto-Claudia&Julia

bread of the dead

Surely you have ever heard of pan de muerte (or bread of the dead), a recipe that every year, when All Saints' Day approaches, gains more popularity around the world. It is a recipe for an enriched bread, tender and tasty, with a very characteristic shape (with some pieces of dough in the shape of bones crossing it on top).
Tarta Karpatka (la popular tarta polaca, paso a paso)-Claudia&Julia

Karpatka cake (the popular Polish cake, step by step)

Choux dough lovers, this recipe is without a doubt for you. I present to you a preparation that, I am sure, will become part of your recipe book, Karpatka Cake, a famous Polish cake made with choux dough and vanilla mousseline cream.

Delicias energéticas de albaricoque-Claudia&Julia

Apricot Energy Delights

Do you want a sweet snack, with healthy ingredients and that fills you with energy? If the answer is yes, look no further! Because I bring you a recipe so that you can make it at home, which not only meets all the above requirements, but is also very quick and easy to make. Pay attention, because these energetic apricot treats are a most tempting treat.
Barquillos rellenos de crema o nata (neulas tradicionales rellenas)-Claudia&Julia

Wafers filled with cream or cream (traditional stuffed neulas)

If something makes a traditional holiday in my house it is to bring to the table some wafers or stuffed "neulas", as we always call them at home. We love them! They are never lacking on the Christmas and Easter table, and we take them out after dessert, along with nougats or tea cakes, at coffee time. They're a perfect sweet bite to end the meal, AND they're so easy to make at home!