Mona de pascua tradicional

Traditional Easter Mona

We are at the gates of Easter, and if there is something that children look forward to, it is the Easter cake. Although today there are many versions and varieties, we encourage you to prepare one of the most traditional. This is the recipe that Rosa, from Pemberley Cup&Cakes, brings us, the recipe for the traditional Easter cake. Have a very sweet Easter!

Suflé de queso castellano y hierbas

Castilian cheese and herbs soufflé

Preparing souflé (soufflé, as Miriam says) is an ideal option when you have guests... and now dates are approaching in which, who more who less, will have some commitment! Preparing it is within everyone's reach, but certain guidelines must be followed to make it look good. So I leave you with the advice of the author of The winter guest , and with this delicious soufflé of cheese and herbs.
Receta Bundt de Rollo Húngaro con Crema de Nueces

Hungarian Roll Bundt Recipe with Walnut Cream

Patri, author of Flavors&Moments , brings us today a delicious and surprising recipe to prepare in your bundt pan : it is a Hungarian roll, a soft brioche-type dough (Delicious!), which is also filled with a nut cream that is left spectacular.

Mermeladas caseras: Nociones básicas para su preparación (Parte I)

Homemade jams: Basic notions for their preparation (Part I)

Making jam is a pleasure, and enjoying it is a real joy. The main process to prepare it is really simple, but there are many points that are important to know. That is why we have asked Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, to tell us a little more about them, hoping that it will be of interest to you.
Torta rústica arcobaleno

Arcobaleno rustic cake

Beatriz, the author of the blog To Be Gourmet, makes our mouths water with a cake that you will enjoy both hot and served cold. He has followed one of the recipes found in a book known to all lovers of Italian cuisine, La Cuchara de Plata. Enjoy this delicious cake!
Pain Perdú

Pain Perdu

Carmen, author of the gastroblog Yerbabuena en la Cocina, today offers us a recipe that will be very useful, as it will help you take advantage of some things you thought were lost. It is one of the easiest to prepare and everyone in the house will like it, getting them out of bed just smelling what is cooking!
Rollos de brioche con canela y nueces

Brioche Rolls with Cinnamon and Walnuts

Surely you will see in the recipe that Noelia brings us today, gastronomic blogger and author of La Cucharina Mágica, a recipe that is worth writing down: These brioche rolls are a delight! It also presents them in the Kitchen Craft centerpiece that I like so much, and the addition of the rolls with this beautiful presentation turns an easy recipe into a temptation for all your guests.
Brownie de nutella

nutella brownies

Do you want to prepare a delicious snack or dessert for your loved ones? Luisa Morón, from Cocinando con mi Carmela, prepares this delicious brownie with nutella, a sweet recipe prepared with the Le Creuset skillet iron skillet. A recipe that just reading it will make your mouth water. You dare?
Origen y curiosidades de la tarta Tatin

Origin and curiosities of the Tarte Tatin

Who has not enjoyed a delicious Tarte Tatin ? It is a variant of apple pie, in which the apples have been caramelized before incorporating the dough. The most peculiar thing is that it is a cake that is prepared upside down: the apples are placed underneath and covered with the dough.