Bacalao con samfaina

Cod with samfaina

Today I bring you one of the most traditional dishes of Catalan cuisine: cod with samfaina . We can prepare this recipe when the garden gives us the best vegetables, so during the summer and early fall we can enjoy this recipe.

Boquerones al limón con ensalada de quinoa

Lemon anchovies with quinoa salad

We are in the middle of summer, so a classic could not be missing for these days: Luisa (Cooking with my Carmela) brings us a simple and delicious recipe to prepare delicious anchovies with lemon. Enjoy the recipe... and the summer!

Quiche de salmón y queso de cabra

Salmon and goat cheese quiche

Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas, brings us a recipe that you will want to prepare hot or cold: you will love this salmon and cheese quiche, both for its flavor and for its easy preparation. Do not miss it!

Bacalao Club Ranero

Cod Ranero Club

Today Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, brings us a classic and totally Bilbao recipe. The "Club Ranero" Cod, together with the Biscayan Cod and of course the "pil-pil" Cod, are one of the best-known dishes of Bilbao gastronomy.

Pescado rebozado con quinoa y salsa tártara de yogur con boniato al horno

Battered fish with quinoa and yoghurt tartar sauce with baked sweet potato

Carolina, from La Cocina de Carolina, brings us a recipe for everyday that you will enjoy for its simplicity and distinctive touch: make a battered hake log with quinoa, a healthy way to bring a batter to the table; and accompanies it with baked sweet potato. Easy and effective, you will love it with the touch of tartar sauce.

Caldereta de pescado y marisco

Fish and seafood stew

Seasons of celebration with family and friends are approaching, and for this reason recipes like the one that Carmen brings us today, from Yerbabuena in the kitchen -a traditional recipe, which without great complications is ideal for any situation.

Rape a la marinera

Monkfish a la marinera

The Fiesta Mayor is one of the events I look forward to most of the summer. It is a week spent on the street surrounded by friends and in which music, theater and many other activities fill our agenda.
Salmón marinado al limón y romero

Marinated salmon with lemon and rosemary

I am convinced that many of you know the blog La Cocina de Carolina. Well, it is that same Carolina whom we welcome to the blog today! He proposes a recipe that many will like, marinated salmon, a recipe that he has prepared with the new Monix frying pan, which he has been able to test exclusively before the market launch and that from today you can find here. Welcome Carolina, and everyone, have a good meal!
Rodaballo al horno

baked turbot

Given the dates in which we find ourselves, Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, brings us a light and healthy recipe: a delicious baked turbot, which if you like fish and do not want complications, I assure you that you will love it!
Langostinos en salsa de coco y jengibre con arroz thai

Prawns in coconut and ginger sauce with Thai rice

In summer we like to enjoy light and healthy meals. It's a great time to put a lot of use to grill and, of course, also the wok . The recipe brought to us by Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour , you are going to love it since it is very easy to prepare, tasty and very original.
Chipirones encebollados con pochas y almejas

Baby squid with onions with pochas and clams

You will agree with me that good weather calls you to use more the wok , in those fast and healthy cooking, and that if you also add the aromas of the sea, then you get an ideal recipe for summer, which is coming soon! That's why Carmen, author of the blog Yerbabuena in the Kitchen invites us to try today with this recipe that will fit you for sure!

Arroz caldoso de marisco

Soupy seafood rice

In today's recipe Virginia, author of Sweet and Sour, presents us with a dish so that anyone can show off in the kitchen... And that everyone enjoys eating it like the most! Surely this soupy rice with seafood will make your mouth water, so I can only encourage you to follow its recipe.