Cómo hacer pizza casera

How to make homemade pizza

Making pizza at home is one of those things that are scary due to sheer ignorance. Preparing homemade pizza is not as difficult as one might imagine if you take into account some issues that we are going to tell you about in this article. And the result is fantastic.

Ensalada de remolacha cruda y manzana con vinagreta de naranja y nueces pecanas

Raw beet and apple salad with orange and pecan vinaigrette

Since summer is the best time to enjoy salads, today Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores, invites us to prepare one that is not only delicious and light, but also gives it a fun touch with apples cut into spirals without end and julienned beets. There is only one thing left: Say "Bon Appetit"!

Hacer pan en casa: Mi opinión y recetas para el horno para pan Emile Henry

Making bread at home: My opinion and recipes for the Emile Henry bread oven

I believe that there is no better satisfaction than eating the bread that one has made. Being able to taste the result after so much care put into the choice of ingredients, the kneading, the observation during the fermentation... Seeing the evolution that the dough undergoes during the process is a really exciting experience... and without a doubt, after trying the bread, delicious! Today I want to talk to you about the Emile Henry bread ovens, and offer you a recipe with them.

Tarta de queso casera

homemade cheesecake

Carmen, author of Yerbabuena en la cocina, shows us today a recipe that she has made all her life at home: a cheesecake that is very easy to prepare, but with excellent results -with this recipe you will get a classic cheesecake at its point creamier and more delicious.

Receta de pizza a la carbonara

Carbonara pizza recipe

Today Luisa Morón, author of Cooking with my Carmela, brings us a recipe to enjoy with the family: the classic carbonara pizza recipe. Made at home, it is the richest. I already sense a smile on your lips just imagining you sinking your teeth into it!

Panecillos de Viena

Vienna rolls

How is something as simple as a good piece of bread with chocolate so delicious? Surely many of you will remember to take it often in childhood snacks. Today Miriam, from The Winter Guest, invites us to do it again, but with some delicious homemade Vienna rolls. Will you resist the temptation?

Pescado rebozado con quinoa y salsa tártara de yogur con boniato al horno

Battered fish with quinoa and yoghurt tartar sauce with baked sweet potato

Carolina, from La Cocina de Carolina, brings us a recipe for everyday that you will enjoy for its simplicity and distinctive touch: make a battered hake log with quinoa, a healthy way to bring a batter to the table; and accompanies it with baked sweet potato. Easy and effective, you will love it with the touch of tartar sauce.

Tarta tatin de manzana

apple tart tatin

Carmen, whom you know from Yerbabuena en la Cocina, brings us a classic of French pastries that has become popular all over the world. As she says, the tarte tatin is the queen of apple pies. Delicate, rich in flavor and, in addition and contrary to what it may seem, very easy to prepare!

Korma de cordero (Guiso hindú en cocotte)

Lamb korma (Indian stew in cocotte)

Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores, takes us to the world of spices and intense flavors. Korma is an Indian stew that you can prepare as she has done, with lamb, or with other meats such as chicken, beef or pork. The steps to follow will be the same, so I encourage you to prepare it with what you are going to enjoy the most, and discover how delicious it is!

Duck pie (pastel de pato)

Duck pie

Today we present a dish that is as forceful as it is daring, tasty and surprising. It is brought to us by Eva, author of Bake-Street, who prepares us a Duck Pie (or duck cake) in a black sesame dough that will serve you for so many other cakes.
The duck pie is a cake with a unique flavor, also different since we are not used to eating duck on a daily basis. This recipe has all the characteristics to make it an ideal recipe for family gatherings!

Fondue de queso (auténtica receta suiza)

Cheese fondue (authentic Swiss recipe)

The fondue is an ideal gift: it is a very nice utensil that you can use both on a day-to-day basis -when you don't feel like big complications and just want to enjoy yourself-, as well as in meetings with family and friends, the fondue being an element that invites to share and have fun with the family.
Suflé de queso castellano y hierbas

Castilian cheese and herbs soufflé

Preparing souflé (soufflé, as Miriam says) is an ideal option when you have guests... and now dates are approaching in which, who more who less, will have some commitment! Preparing it is within everyone's reach, but certain guidelines must be followed to make it look good. So I leave you with the advice of the author of The winter guest , and with this delicious soufflé of cheese and herbs.