Tosta con caramelo salado, plátano y miel

Toast with salted caramel, banana and honey

I bring you a breakfast of Gods, sweet and most delicious... And very easy to prepare! At home they will make you wave, while asking for one more. It is a toast with salted caramel and banana, a winning combination in itself, which we complement with some more ingredients to make it more attractive to the eye and the sweetest and most delicious in each bite.
Empanada gallega de atún

Galician tuna empanada

There are recipes that represent such a classic that we must recall them from time to time. This is what happens today with this Galician tuna empanada brought to us by Luisa, from Cocinando con mi Carmela. It is a must see!

Trilloliva, un aceite de oliva realmente especial

Trilloliva, a truly special olive oil

You know that from time to time I bring you news that really excites me. Today there is a new one: we have discovered Trilloliva, an olive oil that is absolutely incredible, a true diamond in the rough... And we have it exclusively for sale online in Spain!

La despensa: una selección muy especial para mi

The pantry: a very special selection for me

I cannot deny the illusion that every day there are more who are encouraged to try the products in our pantry section. It is not easy to explain why, but imagine that there is some ingredient that is special to you and that you use it in your kitchen, and that, one day, you talk about it to a friend. Another day, without expecting it, he comes to you and says "By the way, that ingredient you told me about, I saw it in a store and tried it, I loved it!". Can you imagine the joy that comment makes you? (...)

Ingredientes originales para las celebraciones de Navidad

Original ingredients for Christmas celebrations

As you know, a few weeks ago we launched the Pantry section . It is a section that I am particularly excited about, as we have put a lot of care into the selection of products and suppliers. I think we have a good variety of ingredients that can be very useful to give a different touch to everyday life or to save for a special occasion.
Canelones de carne y foie al aroma de trufa blanca

Meat and foie cannelloni with white truffle aroma

We are already beginning to smell Christmas, and many of us cannot imagine it without those family meals full of delicious dishes and joyful conversations. Cannelloni are an almost obligatory dish in many homes, so today Carolina, author of La Cocina de Carolina , makes our mouths water with some meat ones with a very special touch. Surely you want to take note, because he makes an adaptation of the traditional meat cannelloni that you will love !
Pastel de carne al estilo pastor o Shepherd's pie

Shepherd's Pie or Shepherd's Pie

These cakes that Miriam, author of The Winter Guest , brings us today, will enchant you with their tasty combination and how easy they are to prepare. In addition, you can do them both in mini format as they are presented here, as well as in a single large font. Do not miss it!
Crepe de quesos y nueces y crepe caprese

Cheese and walnut crepe and caprese crepe

I remember the first day I made crepes at home: I doubted how they would be made, I thought it would be complicated, that I wouldn't know how to turn them or that they would be too thick. Without a doubt, the first one I did was not a good one, but after the experience of the first one, the second one turned out very well for me.
Sopa de ajo con boletus

Garlic soup with boletus

Miriam, author of El Invitado de Invierno, brings us a recipe that is worth practicing from the first day that the cold begins: this version of the garlic soup will make you warm up, while you enjoy all its characteristic flavor. To enjoy!
Pastel individual de pollo y bacon en mini-cocotte

Individual chicken and bacon mini-cocotte pie

Rosa, author of Pemberley Cup&Cakes , takes us to England with this version of the classic British cuisine chicken pie. Rosa presents us with a really tasty version, but I encourage you to see it with the investigator cook mode on, since playing with other ingredients, the ones you like the most, will become one of your most versatile recipes.

¡Nueva sección de despensa en la tienda!

New pantry section in the store!

We always try to have fresh products at home, but we are aware that there are times when an unforeseen event does not allow you to go shopping that day, or that from time to time you have unexpected visitors with whom you undoubtedly want to look good and surprise. Not to mention that there are some things that, wow!, we like a lot and want them on a daily basis!