Flores fritas de Carnaval (receta tradicional española)

Carnival Fried Flowers (traditional Spanish recipe)

If there’s one traditional sweet treat that never fails at parties and celebrations, it’s crispy fried flowers with sugar and cinnamon. With their delicate shape and light texture, these golden little wonders have been passed down through generations, becoming a staple of Spanish homemade baking.
Receta de masa de crepes francesa-Claudia&Julia

French crepe dough recipe

Today I'm excited to share a little piece of French cuisine that steals hearts: the French recipe for making crepe dough. And best of all, it arrives just in time to celebrate International Crepe Day!

Imagine the irresistible aroma of crepes browning in the pan, ready to be filled with your favorite ingredients.
Apple Ebelskivers: Bolas de Manzana especiadas-Claudia&Julia

Apple Ebelskivers: Spiced Apple Balls

Ebelskivers are small Danish dumplings (originally from Denmark) that are cooked in a special pan with round compartments. These dumplings are similar in texture to pancakes, but have a rounded shape and are usually filled with a variety of ingredients, such as fruit, jam, chocolate, cheese, or even meat, depending on the recipe.
De la Nostalgia al Plato ¡Las 3 recetas de pancakes de hace 70 años que aún triunfan!-Claudia&Julia

From Nostalgia to the Plate The 3 pancake recipes from 70 years ago that still succeed!

I come with something very special, the 3 original Nordic Ware pancake recipes from the 50s! Yes, today is a full-fledged tribute to one of our favorite brands: Nordic Ware. And since tributes are always beautiful celebrations, I bring you three pancake recipes that will delight everyone at home.
Barquillos rellenos de crema o nata (neulas tradicionales rellenas)-Claudia&Julia

Wafers filled with cream or cream (traditional stuffed neulas)

If something makes a traditional holiday in my house it is to bring to the table some wafers or stuffed "neulas", as we always call them at home. We love them! They are never lacking on the Christmas and Easter table, and we take them out after dessert, along with nougats or tea cakes, at coffee time. They're a perfect sweet bite to end the meal, AND they're so easy to make at home!
Crepes remolino de arándanos-Claudia&Julia

Blueberry Swirl Crepes

If crepes are a real treat, these blueberry swirl crepes are a complete delight. Perfect for their simple preparation, they are as tasty as they are charming. It is to bring them to the table and disappear from the plate!
Salsa de arándanos para tus tartas, crepes, yogur, bizcochos y muffins-Claudia&Julia

Blueberry sauce for your cakes, crepes, yogurt, cakes and muffins

We often look for a side that is as juicy as it is delicious to accompany crepes and waffles, and this cranberry sauce that I bring you today takes just a few minutes to make, and it is delicious.

It is also perfect for filling or decorating cakes, for biscuits and bundt cakes, or for your cupcakes and muffins:
¡Tortitas de espinacas! (o "Pancakes saladas de espinacas")

Spinach pancakes! (or "Savory Spinach Pancakes")

Adding vegetables to certain doughs, such as pizza, bread, savory muffins or crêpes, provides us with a wide range of possibilities to mess with the usual recipes and turn them into something totally new, with much more striking flavors and colors and appetizing. And by the way, it gives us the solution to get the little ones at home to eat it more often and, sometimes, without even realizing it.

The recipe for savory spinach pancakes (you also know them as "spinach pancakes") is a clear example of this.
Pancakes esponjosos (¡Tortitas de lo más fluffy!)

Fluffy Pancakes (The most fluffy pancakes!)

We couldn't bring out a pan as wonderful as the Nordic Ware pancake pan without a great recipe to kick it off. Today you are going to discover a very fast and delicious way to enjoy pancakes: We bring you the recipe to make fluffy pancakes of vice!
Huevos rancheros a mi manera

Eggs rancheros my way

The author of The Winter Guest, Miriam, shows us a recipe that you will enjoy the most in your day to day life: Some of the tastiest eggs rancheros! He prepares them in an iron skillet that has me in love, the Skeppshult. Enjoy the recipe!