Pudin de chocolate al vapor con frutos rojos

Steamed chocolate pudding with red berries

Surely at home you will really want this recipe for steamed chocolate pudding. It is a recipe that Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, has prepared with great care: this dessert, this chocolate whim, has been made at Vitalis, so that we can get the most out of this pot designed to cook all kinds of steamed recipes.

Mac&Cheese con ragú de ternera

Mac&Cheese with veal ragout

If you combine the popular recipe for Mac&Cheese (macaroni and cheese) with a beef ragout, you end up with a recipe as tasty as the one that Juana brings us today, from La Cocina de Babel. I assure you that you will succeed!

Salmón al vapor con patatas baby y bimis

Steamed salmon with baby potatoes and bimis

Today it's time for a delicious steamed salmon, accompanied by baby potatoes and broccoli. A very simple, complete and healthy plan, full of flavor, don't you think? The recipe is brought to us by Patri, author of Flavors and Moments, and she makes it with the new WMF Vitalis pot, a wonderful tool for preparing delicious steamed recipes, and from which Patri gives you some tips to get the most out of it. To enjoy!

¡Concurso de recetas para blogs organizado con WMF España!

Recipe contest for blogs organized with WMF Spain!

WMF launches the new Vitalis pressure cooker and we're celebrating with a cooking blog recipe contest! It is a contest organized by WMF Spain and Claudia&Julia in which you can participate if you have a cooking blog and you live in Spain.

Ollas WMF Perfect: análisis de los mejores modelos

WMF Perfect pots: analysis of the best models

The WMF Perfect pots are one of my favorites among all the pressure cookers that we have in the store. They are robust pots, easy to use and with first class features. Many customers do not consider buying another brand because of the good experience they have had with WMF in the past or the fact that they have seen it run smoothly for years in their family.

¿Merece la pena una olla a presión o olla rápida?

Is a pressure cooker or speed cooker worth it?

One of the products that we incorporated just when we started our store, were the pressure cookers. It is a product that we use very often at home and that we believe is worth buying since it has several advantages. In addition, a pressure cooker can last a lot of years at home, so we amortize its price.

A recurring question we receive is whether it is worth buying a pot of this type. Some customers wonder if there is a real time gain or savings compared to using a normal pot. If you are considering buying a quick cooker or a pressure cooker, this post will interest you, today I will try to answer the most common questions.

¿Qué tabla de cortar comprar?

What cutting board to buy?

It is important to choose a good cutting board in the kitchen, it is worth taking good care of the knives and also working on a surface that is comfortable for us. Today I would like to talk to you about some important concepts when choosing a board and how to take care of it correctly.

Guía de utensilios básicos para la cocina (II)

Guide to basic kitchen utensils (II)

The other day I was telling you about what utensils are  the basic and essential ones when it comes to equipping a kitchen, and which in fact are also basic to take into account when it comes to renewing the utensils one has. You can see the post here .
Regalos para niños: ideas para introducirlos en la cocina

Gifts for children: ideas to introduce them to the kitchen

I still remember how surprised I was when a very dear relative came to me with three huge packages. And to my surprise, it was a set that I adored: it was the Mayan Bee cutlery set from WMF. I'm not talking about just anything: a ceramic set with beautiful prints, cutlery of a very good quality of steel and all the pieces of an ideal size for children.