Tarta de alcachofas, queso brie y pesto

Artichoke, brie cheese and pesto tart

Today it's time to prepare a salty puff pastry cake! Luisa, author of Cooking with my Carmela, teaches us how to marinate artichokes to use them later in this delicious artichoke and brie cheese cake. You'll have dinner settled in no time!

Galettes bretonnes

Breton galettes

Today is crepe day and Miriam, the Winter Guest, brings us what the French call galette complete: a crepe with cheese, ham and egg. An explosive combination to make your loved ones enjoy a most Breton dinner. Happy day!

Coca de recapte

Recapture Coca

Eva, author of Bake-Street, brings us the recipe to make coca de recapte. A coca full of tradition, that although we show it with its classic escalivada filling with sardines, you can adapt it and serve the coca salty or sweet to your liking.

Tarta salada de pepino y cilantro

Cucumber and coriander savory tart

Eva, author ofBake-Street , brings us a cake that you can prepare both as a first course and as a dessert. It is a salty cucumber and coriander cake, with a cocoa base that goes to the finger! It tells you in detail how to make it. You will be surprised!

Terrina de verduras al horno

Baked vegetable terrine

What more appetizing than some vegetables with mozzarella? Baked in the oven in the way that Miriam, author of The Winter Guest, proposes, they are a real delicacy, so don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy a delicious and healthy meal!

Tarta de roquefort y nueces con crujiente de pera

Roquefort and walnut tart with crispy pear

Virginia, author of the gastronomic blog Sweet&Sour, invites us to prepare a delicious shortcrust pastry pie with a combination that you will love: goat cheese, walnuts and pear. The preparation is simple and the results exquisite. You can't miss it!

Hojaldre de escalivada y queso feta

Escalivada and feta cheese puff pastry

Patry, author of Sabores&Momentos, brings us a classic in the form of a puff pastry tart: the combination of escalivada with feta cheese is excellent, resulting in a tart that is very easy to prepare and that everyone will like.
Torta rústica arcobaleno

Arcobaleno rustic cake

Beatriz, the author of the blog To Be Gourmet, makes our mouths water with a cake that you will enjoy both hot and served cold. He has followed one of the recipes found in a book known to all lovers of Italian cuisine, La Cuchara de Plata. Enjoy this delicious cake!
Coca de sardinas con hortalizas y olivada

Sardine flatbread with vegetables and olive sauce

Our beloved chef Stéphane Poussardin presents us with an ideal Delicooks recipe to surprise you this summer. What a delight for the eyes... And for the palate!
Crujiente de setas, espinacas y chalotas

Crispy mushrooms, spinach and shallots

Yesterday our friend Àngels Pallàs was at We Love Cooking doing a special of savory cakes. One of the ones I liked the most was this crispy mushroom, spinach and shallot. It can be made to the size we want, a large cake or small individual cakes like Àngels prepared for us yesterday. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I do!