Yesterday our friend Àngels Pallàs was at We Love Cooking making a special savoury tart. One of the ones I liked the most was this crispy mushroom, spinach and shallot tart. You can make it in any size you want, a large tart or small individual tarts like Àngels made for us yesterday. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I did!


  • Puff pastry
  • 250 grs. assorted mushrooms oil, salt and pepper
  • 1 garlic
  • 8-9 shallots
  • 3 bunches of fresh spinach
  • 100 grs. crumbled goat cheese
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 50cc of milk with a teaspoon of starch
  • 50cc of cream Chopped fresh herbs


  1. Sauté the cleaned and chopped mushrooms in a cocotte with a little olive oil flavoured with garlic, salt and pepper.
  2. Add the sliced ​​shallots and cook for about five minutes. Remove the mushrooms and shallots and cook the spinach leaves in the same cocotte until they lose the colour and toughness of the raw leaves.
  3. We cover the mold or molds with puff pastry.
  4. Using a blender, mix the goat cheese, eggs, cream, milk and teaspoon of starch. Season with salt and pepper and add the chopped herbs.
  5. We put the mushrooms and spinach in the puff pastry and pour the mixture we have made on top.
  6. We cook it in the oven for about 20 minutes and serve it hot or at room temperature.


M Dolors said:

Buenos días,
En el punto cinco debe decir “echamos” sin h.
Felicidades por las recetas. Me encantan.

Marieta said:

Son una delicia a pesar de no haberle puesto hierbas frescas y las he hecho en moldes de magdalenas de silicona. Geniales

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