Tarta de chocolate y nueces

Chocolate and walnut cake

I don't know about you, but I can't think of a better combination than chocolate with nuts. And if we add a good homemade dough base to this mixture, which is already delicious, then we have... the best chocolate, walnut and shortcrust pastry cake in the world!

Bundt cake de chocolate y yema

Bundt cake with chocolate and egg yolk

With this chocolate and egg yolk bundt cake, we open the oven season and delicious biscuits at home. Bundts are something that children are passionate about, because they are amazed at their shape and silhouette and a way to look amazing if you are going to give them away or if you have guests at home.

Tarta sol de otoño

autumn sun cake

I love savory tarts, they have always been very versatile and perfect to serve as dinner, starter or even as an appetizer. It is also an elaboration that allows us to leave it prepared in advance in the absence of serving it at the time we need. I was looking for some new savory tart ideas when I came across a sun tart from the Saines Gourmandises blog. I thought it was absolutely beautiful, so I had to adapt it to bring you this Autumn Suncake.

Brioche de chocolate

chocolate brioche

If you like tender and sweet buns, you will love this chocolate brioche. With the Emile Henry crown mold, a beautiful shape is achieved, ideal to present at a celebration.

Galletas de mantequilla con churrera

Butter cookies with churrera

These butter cookies are made with our churrera, how do you like them? A churrera is much like a cookie gun in how it works: a tube with a plunger that pushes the dough through a die. A little force and little mystery.

Flan napolitano

Neapolitan pudding

The origin of flan dates back to the Romans, where it was prepared in both a sweet and savory version. The sweet version was much sweeter than the one we know, since it was sweetened with honey. Initially pepper was added, yes, pepper as you hear it, until the pepper was replaced by the current caramel.

Cómo hacer noodles de huevo

How to make egg noodles

At home we usually make a lot of fresh pasta, we love it, but especially my son. I couldn't say what he likes more, spending time together in the kitchen preparing it or tasting it afterwards. He is a fan of pasta. I've been introducing him to Asian cuisine (which I adore!) for some time now and he's quite enjoying it so far. The easiest thing to make a first contact with are the noodles. It could be said that it is a direct family of pasta, so with this I was on the safe side. So today I show you how to make egg noodles.

Pudin inglés de manzana y vainilla al vapor

Steamed Apple Vanilla English Pudding

Despite the bad reputation that British cuisine has, it is undeniable that pastries are tremendously rich and varied. Years ago, during my time as an English student, I discovered her and fell at her feet ipso facto, but it was not until I adopted a British family as a policy that my eyes were opened to homemade sweets. They are another world.

Empanadas de pino chilenas

Chilean pine empanadas

Chilean pine empanadas have a curious name, don't you think? Pine is the name of the very traditional filling of onion, beef, olives, egg and raisins, which apparently derives from the Mapuche word pirru and has nothing to do with the tree.

Tarta de cereza

cherry pie

Summer brings us one of the most wonderful fruits there is, cherries. Before its season ends, I wanted to bring you this recipe that is so successful wherever it goes, an easy cherry pie recipe, although with a touch that you will love.

Helado S'more

S'more ice cream

Summer is to enjoy to the fullest, in all aspects, and if it is with ice cream, much better. During this time of year they want to consume fresh and light elaborations. Help us beat the heat, but also make us smile. Like for example this Ice Cream S'more that I assure you you will love.

Muffins de arándanos y plátano

Blueberry Banana Muffins

Now yes, the heat has arrived at least in this part of our country in the Mediterranean, finally!!!! What need of sun and warmer temperatures are we this year, right? Well, to celebrate, today picnic in the garden with some amazing Blueberry Banana Muffins!