With this chocolate and egg yolk bundt cake we open the baking season and delicious cakes at home. Bundts are something that children are passionate about, because they are amazed by their shape and silhouette and a way to look like a movie if you are going to give it as a gift or if you have guests at home.

This is not my first bundt cake where chocolate is the protagonist, but it is the first one that I have covered with a delicious yolk cream that we have ended up taking by the spoonful! A delicious proposal that I invite you to prepare this coming Thursday, November 15, because it is the international day of the bundt, a perfect excuse to prepare this cake with all the love for those at home. Happy celebration!

Chocolate and egg yolk bundt cake Claudia&Julia

Bundt cake with Kugelhopf mold from Nordic Ware and Pallarès carbon steel knife


  • 4 eggs
  • 250g of sugar
  • 250 g of softened butter
  • 250g of flour
  • 200 ml of liquid cream
  • 1 envelope of chemical yeast
  • 250 of powdered chocolate to make to the cup
  • Spray to grease molds or butter
  • 8 yolks
  • 375g of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch (Maizena)
  • 125 ml of water


  1. In the KitchenAid bowl and with the shovel accessory, mix the butter with the sugar. (can be done by hand or with another robot)
  2. When it is well integrated, add the eggs one by one while we continue beating.
  3. Add the liquid cream and beat again.
  4. Add the flour and yeast in several strokes while we continue stirring with the spatula, or with a spoon if we do it manually.
  5. Finally we added the chocolate powder in a couple of times.
  6. When we have a smooth and homogeneous mass, we pour it into the bundt cake mold previously greased with the release spray (or, failing that, with melted butter).
  7. We take it to the oven at 180ºC for 40 minutes, or until the needle comes out clean.
  8. Once the mold has been removed from the oven, we wait about 12 minutes before unmolding. It can break sooner, and if we wait any longer it can get stuck.
  9. While the bundt cools, prepare the cream of yolk.
  10. In a saucepan we put the water and sugar over medium heat until a syrup is formed. We will know because when lifting a little with a spoon, a very fine thread will fall until it reaches the saucepan.
  11. Let it warm and beat the yolks in a bowl with the help of some rods .
  12. Add the syrup little by little while stirring the yolks.
  13. We pour part of this yolk cream on the bundt and reserve the rest in a saucepan or ramekin in case someone wants to serve something else.

Bundt cake with Kugelhopf mold from Nordic Ware and Pallarès carbon steel knife

bundt cake with Kugelhopf mold from Nordic Ware and Pallarès carbon steel knife

The Bundt cake accompanied by this yolk cream is super juicy, and something truly exquisite for you, like us, who are hopelessly sweet tooth.

Author of the recipe: Beatriz from To Be Gourmet


Oihana said:

Decepcionante! La masa es extremadamente espesa y al hornearla no queda bien… Creo que debe ser el exceso de chocolate en polvo… El sabor a chocolate es excesivo y nada equilibrado.

Sara said:

Esta receta debe tener algún error en las cantidades. Debo ser la primera que lo intenta… si lees este comentario busca otra receta

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