Langostinos salteados al ajo con limón

Prawns sautéed in garlic and lemon

If I had to find some adjectives to describe this recipe for sautéed shrimp with garlic and lemon, I think "light", "easy" and "tasty" would definitely be at the top of the list.
Espárragos verdes con salsa holandesa

Green asparagus with hollandaise sauce

If you're looking for an easy and delicious recipe that always turns out well, green asparagus with hollandaise sauce is your best option. Whether you want to serve a special dinner or a more casual meal, this recipe for tender green asparagus ensures a spectacular result without complications.
Blinis de salmón y chantilly de eneldo

Salmon blinis and dill whipped cream

I'm sure that these salmon and dill chantilly blinis will become your star appetizer. It's a recipe that meets the three main requirements for success: it's very easy to prepare, it's ready in no time and its result is excellent. In addition, by just varying the ingredients, you'll have a wildcard recipe with which to vary and surprise at home or your guests.
Berenjenas a la parmesana

Eggplant Parmesan

Today I propose a recipe that will dress up your festive dishes, eggplant parmigiana that is as delicious as it is easy to make. This preparation from Italian cuisine, a classic recipe from the south of the country, is a true Mediterranean gem. Parmiggiana di melanzane is a kind of lasagna or eggplant pie, in which this vegetable is the absolute protagonist, with a masterful result.
Gratin Dauphinois: Gratinado de Patatas clásico-Claudia&Julia

Gratin Dauphinois: Classic Potato Gratin

Today I bring you a classic recipe for Potato Gratin, also known as Gratin Dauphinois in French cuisine. It is a rich, comforting dish consisting of thinly sliced ​​potatoes, slowly cooked in cream or a mixture of milk and cream, with garlic and often grated cheese on top until a golden, crispy crust forms.
Paté de Pascua (Pâté de Pâques)-Claudia&Julia

Easter Pâté (Pâté de Pâques)

This Easter, I invite you to join us in preparing a recipe that brings the spirit of spring directly to our table: the French recipe for Pâté de Pâques (Easter Pâté). This dish, with roots in the heart of France's Loire Valley, is more than just a meal; It is a symbol of celebration, uniting the delicacy of pâté and the tradition of Easter eggs in a perfect harmony of flavors and textures.
Sopa Bullavesa con bogavante-Claudia&Julia

Bullavesa soup with lobster

Are you looking for a special recipe for these holidays or for a special celebration? Nothing beats the pleasure of sharing a lobster bouillabaisse soup with your loved ones, and prepared in a slow cooker you will make it in no time! This Mediterranean recipe, full of sea flavors and comforting aromas and whose origins date back to the Provence region in France, has gone through generations maintaining its essence: an exquisite combination of fish, fresh seafood and aromatic herbs.
Aperitivos rápidos y deliciosos: 6 recetas para brillar en las celebraciones familiares-Claudia&Julia

Quick and delicious appetizers: 6 recipes to shine at family celebrations

Which appetizer will you like the most? I think that among these options of canapes and toasts that we bring you today, you won't know which one to decide on... Because they are all delicious appetizers! In addition, making them takes very little time but you will look wonderfully well at engagement lunches and dinners. Look at the appetizers we bring you! I hope you find them inspiring. Let's go get them!
Pastel de cebolla, paso a paso-Claudia&Julia

Onion cake, step by step

Back to the cold, Back to the oven! I find it to be a wonderful ally in the kitchen, because it allows me to not worry about tending to the stove and the result is always fantastic. And this onion cake is good proof of this, you will immediately see why!
Crema de setas clásica en cocotte-Claudia&Julia

Classic mushroom cream in cocotte

When the cold weather arrives, nothing better than a comforting cream to go into the cocotte. This time, with our classic mushroom cream recipe, which we prepare in the iron cocotte. The heady aroma of mushrooms sautéing in the kitchen evokes a feeling of warmth and familiarity, like a hug in the form of flavor. The process is a delight for the senses, from the soft crackling as they cook to the irresistible aroma that gradually unfolds.
Risotto de setas al estilo italiano-Claudia&Julia

Italian style mushroom risotto

This Italian-style mushroom risotto is a dish that is desired at any time of the year, but especially in autumn. I'm sure you'll like it so much that you'll want to enjoy it again and again. An exquisite recipe that combines the creaminess of risotto with the forest flavor of mushrooms and the always special touch that Parmesan cheese provides.
Calabaza moscada asada con manzana-Claudia&Julia

Roasted Butternut Squash with Apple

This Roasted Butternut Squash with Apple recipe is a true fall treat. This dish combines the sweetness of butternut squash with the succulence of apples, creating a blend of flavors that will transport you to a world of comfort and warmth. Added to it is the warm touch of spices, which will transport you to a feast of flavors that evokes the cozy afternoons of the season.