Tacos de salmón con salsa oriental

Salmon tacos with oriental sauce

We love fresh salmon at home and our latest discovery is these salmon tacos in oriental sauce. To prepare it we use a wok and in a very short time we have it on the table.
Mi opinión sobre el rallador Zester de Microplane

My take on the Microplane Zester Grater

There are absolutely delicious dishes that are very easy to prepare. They are those dishes that solve an impromptu meal or when you don't have much time. At home, one of these basics is the rocket salad with parmesan. It is a dish that we love well seasoned.

Today, while I was preparing it, I had the idea to tell you about the grater that we always use at home, the Microplane Zester grater. Does a simple grater deserve a whole post? This one yes! It is the best grater in the world (so they told me, and so I have confirmed). Without a doubt, he deserves to tell you about his virtues.