Flaugnarde de frambuesas y nectarinas

Flaugnarde of raspberries and nectarines

When Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores , presented me with the recipe that you find here today, she told me "Claudia, go ahead and prepare it because it's super-rich!". After seeing it, I did not doubt his words, because with the photos it is already clear that it is a recipe that without a doubt we should all try. I have already done it, and I confirm that you are absolutely right!
Naked cake de chocolate y calabacín con cerezas

Chocolate and zucchini naked cake with cherries

We talked a few weeks ago about naked cake (if you missed it, be sure to check out the post in which I talked about the return to traditional cake). Then Rosa, author of Pemberley Cup&Cakes, showed us an example of it, a red fruit cake that we loved. In view of the great acceptance, today he brings us another naked cake, which only with its appearance I would bet that you will love it.
Tarta tatín de fresas y ruibarbo

Strawberry and rhubarb tarte tatin

To savor in a different way the fruits that will soon flood the markets and fruit stores, Carmen, author of Yerbabuena in the Kitchen , presents us with a delicious strawberry tarte tatin: she moves away from the typical tart that includes apple, and brings us closer to the color and essence of romantic spring. I recommend you try!
Bundt cake de chocolate glaseado o “Tarta de muerte por chocolate”

Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake or “Chocolate Death Cake”

Today's recipe is especially dedicated to all of us who love chocolate. I don't know what would become of me without my daily piece! If you also share this delicious vice, don't miss the chocolate bundt cake recipe presented by Virginia, author of the Sweet & Sour blog.
Bolo de caramelo

candy bowl

I am sure that many of you have been curious about the title of this Bolo de caramel recipe. Looking at the photographs, you will also have whetted your appetite. And is not for less! Virginia, from Sweet&Sour, leaves us caramelized with this recipe that comes from afar, typical of Madeira, to be explained with all the love and detail, as well as she knows how to do it.
Origen y curiosidades de la tarta Tatin

Origin and curiosities of the Tarte Tatin

Who has not enjoyed a delicious Tarte Tatin ? It is a variant of apple pie, in which the apples have been caramelized before incorporating the dough. The most peculiar thing is that it is a cake that is prepared upside down: the apples are placed underneath and covered with the dough.
Pastel de chocolate y castañas

Chocolate and chestnut cake

To end the Christmas meal prepared by our friend Àngels Pallàs at We Love Cooking, nothing better than a very easy-to-make Christmas cake that will surprise our guests.