Arroz con pollo y verduras

Rice With Chicken And Vegetables

Rice is one of the ingredients that I like to use the most in my kitchen because of its versatility and how well it combines with anything. Whether with vegetables, meats, fish or shellfish... it will always turn out well and we will certainly obtain a luxurious dish.
Tallarines salteados con Níscalos

Sautéed noodles with chanterelles

Luisa Morón, gastronomic blogger from, makes our mouths water with a recipe that you will love: it is easy to prepare, its base is pasta (guaranteed success!) and it is delicious. I encourage you to try!
Espaguetis con vongole

spaghetti with vongole

Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because, gets away from the copious casserole meals that abound so much these days, to propose a very traditional recipe of Neapolitan cuisine: Spaghetti con vongole or, what is the same, spaghetti with clams - flavor of the sea that melts with the touch of tomato, garlic and chili. A very easy recipe to make, which you cannot miss.
Gnudis de ricota, ajo asado y tomates secos

Ricotta gnudis, roasted garlic and dried tomatoes

Our dear Loreto, gastronomic blogger of Sabores de Colores, takes us today to Italy, but she does not do it with a typical Italian pasta recipe, but rather she presents us with a delicious gnudis recipe. To prepare it, he used, as you can see in the photographs, the De Buyer Mineral B iron skillet. Are you curious to discover this recipe with an Italian aroma?
Cómo preparar pasta fresca en casa

How to prepare fresh pasta at home

Today I would like to talk to you about homemade pasta. It seems complicated to elaborate and the truth is that it is not as difficult as it seems. I enjoy preparing it a lot and it is a guaranteed success at home :)
Galets rellenos de rape y gambas

Galets stuffed with monkfish and prawns

The first dish that Àngels Pallàs suggested for our Christmas lunch is a delicious fish recipe presented in galets, one of the typical ingredients of Catalan Christmas cuisine. What he proposes is to make some delicious galets stuffed with seafood. In the absence of galets, it can also be made with any pasta that we have on hand, as long as it is very large and easy to fill.
Arroz tailandés con marisco

Thai rice with seafood

This delicious recipe with suggestive Asian flavors and aromas is very easy to prepare. The most difficult thing may be finding some typical ingredients of Asian or Latin cuisine, although every day it is easier to find these ingredients in large supermarkets or in small Asian or Latin food stores.
Espaguetis con salsa carbonara

Spaghetti with carbonara sauce

This traditional Italian recipe is a favorite at home. It is about spaghetti with a delicious sauce of bacon and egg. It is ideal accompanied by a green salad or a little arugula. It is prepared very quickly with a frying pan and a Le Creuset non-stick saucepan.
Risotto de rúcula, limón y piñones tostados

Risotto with arugula, lemon and toasted pine nuts

This delicious risotto can be prepared in a cocotte or casserole or we can even make it in a moment in our Kuhn Rikon Duromatic pressure cooker.

Chicken and vegetable risotto

This risotto can be prepared with an Emile Henry ceramic cocotte or a Le Creuset iron cocotte.