Crepes de hamburguesa americana, cebolla a la miel y queso de cabra

American hamburger crepes, honey onion and goat cheese

Beyond traditional crepes, there is a world of original crepes to discover. Today I bring you a very tasty savory crepe: American hamburger crepe, sweet onion with honey and goat cheese. A winning combination!
Bistec a la pimienta

Pepper Bistec

I saw one a while ago pepper steak recipe with a seasoning that I loved, simple, sbroso and balanced. Warning, it is a recipe for the brave, because it is spicy. But if meat is your thing, you will love this recipe.

It's about making a pepper batter steak (you'll see that I'll give you some tricks to fill it with pepper flavor), and preparing a seasoning of roasted chives and bacon, garlic and parsley that go hand in hand.

Pincho Riojano de gamba roja y champiñón con pesto de perejil

Rioja red prawn and mushroom skewer with parsley pesto

This Rioja red prawn and mushroom skewer with pesto is a very easy and successful dish, and what I adore is the basil pesto with which it is accompanied to give it that special touch, because it is a pesto that you will use to accompany salads, meats and fish when you require something special.
Kebab de pollo

chicken kebab

They came to Spain to stay, like many dishes that enrich world cuisine. Today I am talking about the, already known to all, kebabs. The kebabs without a surname are those skewers of meat or even fish that are cooked on a grilled skewer, always seasoned with many spices which, in my opinion, is what makes them special.

Tortitas sin gluten

gluten free pancakes

Possibly, with the hustle and bustle of the week, breakfast is the great forgotten. So one of the things we enjoy the most on weekends is breakfast. It is the ideal time to do something special and unhurried for the whole family.

The gluten-free pancakes that I bring you today are one of the favorites in my family. They are very simple pancakes, with very few ingredients and that are made in 10 minutes.

Hamburguesa de champiñones

mushroom burger

They say about this hamburger that it is not a simple hamburger... It is the deluxe edition! Vegetarian burger, with marinated and grilled mushrooms. The truth is, if you're sick of the original version or just wanting to try a new recipe, this one is well worth it.

Recetas de aperitivos para enamorar

Appetizer recipes to fall in love

Since Emile Henry launched the new range of baking and serving trays, there is not a week that you write to us commenting on how beautiful they are, and that you want ideas to get the most out of them. So that's what we come here for today, to bring you 6 easy appetizer recipes but with the perfect touch to be fabulous with family and friends. This Christmas you are going to get the most out of them!

Lasaña individual de berenjena y crema de ricotta

Individual lasagna with eggplant and ricotta cream

I have to say that I'm crazy about lasagna, in all its versions, with meat, salmon and spinach or vegetables... They all seem fantastic and delicious. I know that each of us has a favorite dish of Italian cuisine and that at home we version it in our own way, this is the case of the lasagna that I bring you today, a vegetable lasagna, a dish that I craved at all hours when I was pregnant, A simple dish to prepare as well as delicious.

Brochetas de pollo especiado con salsa de yogur

Spiced chicken skewers with yogurt sauce

These spicy chicken skewers with yogurt sauce that I bring you today are firm candidates to become the star dish of the summer. In fact, they already are in my house, but I'm sure it will also become an infallible dish in yours... Do you want to know why?

Hamburguesas de ternera y judías con cebollas al balsámico

Beef and bean burgers with balsamic onions

Today I want to show you a way to enrich burgers with legumes that I find very interesting to incorporate this ingredient in a different way into our diet. The beneficial properties of legumes are well known and apart from in stews or salads there are other equally delicious ways to eat them.

Conejo a la parrilla con salvia y limón

Grilled rabbit with sage and lemon

Today I bring you a recipe that we have prepared at home a couple of times already this summer. It is a very simple recipe but with guaranteed success: marinated and roasted rabbit, accompanied by courgette.

Albaricoques a la parrilla con jamón ibérico

Grilled apricots with Iberian ham

I am especially excited to have Noelia, author of La Cucharina Mágica, on the blog again. He brings us a recipe free of complications but one that is rich in contrast and flavour: grilled fruit with Iberian ham, a recipe that you will surely enjoy this summer!