Tacos de pescado con mayonesa de aguacate

Fish tacos with avocado mayonnaise

Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas, brings us a recipe full of colour, flavor and fun. Because we will agree that tacos are often associated with a casual and fun dinner... And how she prepares them ensures that they come out delicious, delicious!

Cebollas rellenas de arroz, queso y hierbas aromáticas

Onions stuffed with rice, cheese and aromatic herbs

Luisa Morón, author of Cooking with my Carmela, today finds inspiration in one of our favorite books, that of our beloved Julia Child. From him he brings us a recipe without great complications but from which you will love the result: these onions stuffed with rice and cheese, flavored with herbs will delight you and surprise your guests!
Pollo con verduras kung pao al estilo de Chinatown

Chinatown style kung pao chicken with vegetables

Today Miriam, author of The Winter Guest brings us a recipe for chicken with vegetables, prepared in a traditional cast iron skillet. and looking for the appeal of the recipe in the way of cutting the vegetables: with With the help of spirelli , you can create these spirals that make the recipe original and remind us of noodles, which are also typical of Asian cuisine. With its spicy touch, it is a delicious recipe that you cannot miss!
Tarta de piña

Pineapple cake

This pineapple cake is one of the first that I learned to prepare a few years ago. In the end it has become a classic in my kitchen. That's why I want to share it with all of you. It's not very common to see a pineapple cake... so I recommend that you try making it and tell me what you think.
Tipos de cuchillos de cocina (I)

Types of kitchen knives (I)

We receive many queries about which kitchen knives to buy, since sometimes it is difficult to know what is the difference between some models or which one suits us best for our type of kitchen. There are many options and I think it is important to choose well: it is a tool that we will use almost daily for many years. In addition, the difference between a good knife and a regular knife is important, it is worth having good knives and giving them good maintenance to be able to work comfortably and safely.
Solomillo de cerdo con salsa de manzana

Pork tenderloin with apple sauce

Today Raquel, author of Los Tragaldabas, invites us to prepare a very easy recipe that will undoubtedly catch your eyes: a pork tenderloin accompanied by a delicious sauce that you and your loved ones will enjoy. Dare to try, it's well worth it!
Mermelada de higos

Fig jam

These last two weeks we have been talking about homemade jams, providing tips and tricks for its preparation and correct conservation (you can see the posts here). What better proposal for today than a recipe to make your own jam? It is proposed by Patri, from the blog Sabores&Momentos, it is made of figs and is ideal to combine with savory or to enjoy its delicious flavor spread on bread. To enjoy!
Torta rústica arcobaleno

Arcobaleno rustic cake

Beatriz, the author of the blog To Be Gourmet, makes our mouths water with a cake that you will enjoy both hot and served cold. He has followed one of the recipes found in a book known to all lovers of Italian cuisine, La Cuchara de Plata. Enjoy this delicious cake!
Flaugnarde de frambuesas y nectarinas

Flaugnarde of raspberries and nectarines

When Loreto, author of Sabores de Colores , presented me with the recipe that you find here today, she told me "Claudia, go ahead and prepare it because it's super-rich!". After seeing it, I did not doubt his words, because with the photos it is already clear that it is a recipe that without a doubt we should all try. I have already done it, and I confirm that you are absolutely right!
Baguettes de tradition

traditional baguettes

Making bread at home is one of the most grateful and satisfying things I know. Not only is it a process that relaxes us, but it also allows us to enjoy freshly made, artisan bread every day.

Mi experiencia con los cuchillos Pallarès

My experience with Pallarès knives

I have seen and used Pallarès knives all my life. They have run in the kitchen of my grandparents and my mother. I still remember going into a store in town holding my mom's hand to go buy them. I am used to them and I am fond of them, and therefore it was a pleasure and an illusion, I must admit, to incorporate them into the store.