This pineapple cake is one of the first that I learned to prepare a few years ago. In the end it has become a classic in my kitchen. That's why I want to share it with all of you. It's not very common to see a pineapple cake... so I recommend that you try making it and tell me what you think.

Its preparation is very simple and does not even require a mixer. Simply with a bowl and a spatula you can make it without problems.

Both to bake it and to present it on the table I used my Le Creuset stoneware mold. Stoneware is very practical, since it is a material that is resistant to minor impacts and does not absorb any odor. In addition, it supports a wide temperature range. So we can freeze, heat and bake with these molds in complete safety.

In the store you will find both Le Creuset stoneware molds and dishes. I have several and I am very happy with them. Plus, they are so pretty that I serve food right on the table with them. And always triumph!

le creuset ceramic mold

Ingredients (for a 24 cm mold)

  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 70 g flour
  • 35 g ground almonds
  • 8-10 pineapple slices
  • zest of 1 lemon

Note: Take out the butter and eggs a couple of hours before making the cake. It is essential that all the ingredients are at room temperature.


1. Preheat the oven to 170º, heat up and down.

2. In a bowl, beat the butter with the sugar until you obtain a homogeneous cream.

3. Add the egg and mix with a spatula until it is integrated. Then add one yolk and mix until combined and finally add the other yolk and mix well.

4. Add the flour, ground almonds and lemon zest. Mix well.

5. Grease the mold and pour the dough. You will see that it is a slightly dense dough, so use a spatula to spread it well.

6. Decorate the cake with the pineapple slices as you see in the photos and bake for 30-35 minutes until you see that it acquires a beautiful golden color.

7. Let it cool completely inside the mold before tasting it.

You can take the cake to the table directly in the mold. It's so pretty, I'm sure everyone will like it!

pinya cake recipe


Xell said:

He hecho esta tarta con manzana en lugar de piña y ha quedado genial también !
He usado el molde cerámico de Kitchen Craft que os compré hace unas semanas y quedó precioso.

Encarna said:

Buenisima y sencilla, yo la hago con frecuencia y es igual elaborarla con piña natural o en conserva lo unico que le tienes que quitar la parte dura del centro

maite said:

tiene muy buena pinta y a mi me gusta mucho la piña seguro que la hare

Lucia said:

Yo también me he preguntado lo mismo, si la piña es en almíbar o natural. Si sois tan amables de contestar. Gracias por esta receta

Lucia said:

Yo también me he preguntado lo mismo, si la piña es en almíbar o natural. Si sois tan amables de contestar. Gracias por esta receta

Juan José Escanciano said:

La tarta tiene una pinta buenísima, pero antes de hacerla, me gustaría saber si la piña tiene que ser natural o en conserva( en almíbar).
Muchas gracias por todo. Me encantan vuestras recetas y las leo, y hago algunas. ¡Enhorabuena y a continuar!.
Un saludo

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