Pechuga con puré de apio y moniato con la Vitalis

Chicken breast with celery puree and sweet potato with Vitalis

This chicken breast with celery and sweet potato puree recipe is delicious! We have prepared it with the steamer pot Vitalis Aroma by WMF . It is a very balanced and nutritional recipe, and having been steamed, it makes it much healthier and preserves all its nutrients.
Ternera con ratatouille de verano y patatas baby al limón

Veal with summer ratatouille and lemon baby potatoes

Today I bring you a most sensational dish for this summer! It is a veal served with summer ratatouille and lemon baby potatoes, which we prepare with the WMF vitalis pot, a wonderful pot with infinite possibilities (You will see that it is not only used for steaming!).
Patatas al vapor rellenas con bacon y parmesano

Steamed potatoes stuffed with bacon and parmesan

The Vitalis pot is today one of the most popular pots for steam cooking. Its success lies in the versatility of the uses of the pot on the one hand, and on the other hand, being made of stainless steel, it is a pot that will last us a lifetime in the kitchen.
Mejillones al vapor con picadillo de tomate

Steamed mussels with chopped tomato

It means arriving at this time of year and putting myself in "dinners on the terrace" mode, with friends, in a lively environment and with cool recipes that take me very little work. Without a doubt, the one that never fails is the steamed mussels, which is one of the easiest dishes to prepare that you can resort to. It is an inexpensive dish that everyone usually likes, and washed down with a good Ribeiro... What am I going to tell you that you don't know!

Bizcocho de limón al vapor

steamed lemon cake

You can cook some super fluffy steamed biscuits. You can do it both in a pressure cooker and in other utensils designed for steam cooking. In this case, we are going to show you how to do it in the WMF Vitalis Pot.

Dorada al vapor con limón y romero

Steamed sea bream with lemon and rosemary

The simplest recipes are usually the ones that we repeat the most. Today I bring you one of them, a simple and very healthy recipe, but absolutely delicious. A steamed sea bream flavored with lemon, rosemary and pink pepper, which will make you banish forever the idea that steamed fish is boring. The meat is terribly juicy and smooth, and also the flavors are enhanced thanks to the fact that the sea bream is cooked in its own juices. The touch of lemon and rosemary, together with the pink pepper, give it a fresh touch and a surprising counterpoint to the palate of this recipe.

Tarta de alcachofas, queso brie y pesto

Artichoke, brie cheese and pesto tart

Today it's time to prepare a salty puff pastry cake! Luisa, author of Cooking with my Carmela, teaches us how to marinate artichokes to use them later in this delicious artichoke and brie cheese cake. You'll have dinner settled in no time!

Pudin de chocolate al vapor con frutos rojos

Steamed chocolate pudding with red berries

Surely at home you will really want this recipe for steamed chocolate pudding. It is a recipe that Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, has prepared with great care: this dessert, this chocolate whim, has been made at Vitalis, so that we can get the most out of this pot designed to cook all kinds of steamed recipes.

Salmón al vapor con patatas baby y bimis

Steamed salmon with baby potatoes and bimis

Today it's time for a delicious steamed salmon, accompanied by baby potatoes and broccoli. A very simple, complete and healthy plan, full of flavor, don't you think? The recipe is brought to us by Patri, author of Flavors and Moments, and she makes it with the new WMF Vitalis pot, a wonderful tool for preparing delicious steamed recipes, and from which Patri gives you some tips to get the most out of it. To enjoy!