Bacalao al vapor con tiras de verduras

Bacalao al vapor con tiras de verduras

¡Hoy traigo doble receta! Espero que este post te ayude a ver cómo hacer bacalao al vapor en vaporera (¡usaremos nuestra querida olla Vitalis WMF!) y también cómo cocinar el bacalo al vapor en olla rápida.
Langostinos salteados al ajo con limón

Prawns Sautéed in Garlic and Lemon

Si tengo que buscar algunos adjetivos para describir esta receta de gambas o langostinos salteados con ajo y limón, creo que "ligera", "fácil" y "sabrosa" estarían sin duda en la cabecera de la lista.
Salmón al limón y miel

Baked salmon with honey and lemon-mango sauce

In just 10 minutes of preparation, you can have this Baked Salmon with Honey and Lemon and Mango Sauce ready, a recipe that is as simple as it is delicious. It is the perfect option when you need a quick meal, but without giving up an elegant presentation. You will see how that citrus and tropical touch of the sauce will make anyone who tries it fall in love!
Fumet de gambas

Shrimp stock in a pressure cooker (and how to use it!)

Although I imagine you already know what fumet is and how to prepare it, with the recipe I bring you today, I propose a different and very interesting option to enrich many dishes: a shrimp fumet in a pressure cooker. A broth full of flavor that is an ideal base in many other recipes.
Brochetas de salmón marinadas al limón y ajo-Claudia&Julia

Lemon and garlic marinated salmon skewers

When the good weather invites us to enjoy meals outdoors, there is no better way to celebrate than by lighting up the grill to prepare something special. Today I propose a recipe that captures the essence of these moments, the Lemon Marinated Salmon Skewers, perfect for cooking on your Le Creuset iron grill or on the traditional barbecue.