Pudin inglés de manzana y vainilla al vapor

Steamed Apple Vanilla English Pudding

Despite the bad reputation that British cuisine has, it is undeniable that pastries are tremendously rich and varied. Years ago, during my time as an English student, I discovered her and fell at her feet ipso facto, but it was not until I adopted a British family as a policy that my eyes were opened to homemade sweets. They are another world.

Bolitas de queso de yogur en aceite de oliva

Yogurt cheese balls in olive oil

Some time ago I discovered this recipe for yogurt cheese balls in extra virgin olive oil and I really wanted to share it with you. You have to be organized and patient when preparing them, because the yogurt has to drain by itself and the thing takes between two and three days. But except for this trifle, preparing this appetizer so cool and tasty is a matter of sewing and singing.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns

We couldn't get to these dates without the Hot Cross Buns recipe, those delicious typical Easter buns, stuffed with raisins and marked with that cross that makes them so recognizable, so pretty and so tempting. The truth is that there are many stories that surround them, Rosa (author of Pemberley Cup&Cakes) tells us some of them -You will see how beautiful!-, and brings us this delicious recipe so that you can also make them at home. Very happy Easter!

Bica blanca

white bique

Virginia, author of Sweet&Sour, brings us the recipe for bica blanca, a delicious sponge cake that you will prepare without yeast and only with egg whites (this is the reason for its characteristic white color). You'll love it!