Cómo hacer barritas de cereales (¡Con receta!)

How to make cereal bars (With recipe!)

If you were wondering how to make homemade bars, you will love reading this post (and the mold that Mastrad has made!). Cereal bars are tasty, healthy, provide energy and are a perfect food to take everywhere (at work, to school, when you are exercising or simply to carry in your bag to eat mid-morning). Also, if you make the bars at home, you make sure to control the amount of sugar and the quality of the ingredients, and they have that extra "I made them", which is always an added pleasure, you can't deny me.

Tarta de queso con chocolate blanco y bayas

White Chocolate Berry Cheesecake

The cheesecake that we bring today is super creamy, you have been warned. Also, the creamy ricotta combined with sweet berries and white chocolate is a perfect match that you are sure to love.

This is a delicious dessert, also ideal to accompany tea or a good coffee in the afternoon.

Frisuelos tradicionales

traditional fries

I like to make traditional desserts, desserts with a history like these traditional frisuelos that are made in Asturias and whose recipe has been passed down from father to son over and over again.

Tocinillos de cielo

bacon of heaven

When Claudia suggested that I prepare a recipe with the Ilsa flan trays, I immediately replied that I wanted to make my tocinillos de cielo. They are such an exquisite and delicate snack that I wanted to show you how to make them at home. And it is that, whenever I serve them in a meeting, they triumph.

Scones con salsa de fresas asadas

Scones with Roasted Strawberry Sauce

If in my last recipe we traveled to the United Kingdom today we continue there. I couldn't resist presenting you the Scones recipe. Yes, surely you know them, they are those round rolls originally from Scotland, rolls with which the famous tea time is usually accompanied.

Cobbler de chocolate

chocolate cobbler

Surely the first thing you will ask yourself is: And where is the fruit? I also asked myself the first time I saw this dessert. A cobbler is a dessert with a caramelized fruit base topped with a layer of cookie dough or baked shortcrust pastry. This dessert has nothing to do with the classic cobbler, but that's what they call it.

Bundt Cake de limón y amapola con glaseado de frambuesa (sin gluten)

Lemon Poppy Bundt Cake with Raspberry Glaze (gluten free)

Do you want to surprise your children (or friends or yourself) with a special snack? Something sweet, but not too cloying? Something that is super easy and quick to do even on a weekday? Well, I think I have solved it for you.

Pudin de dátiles con salsa de tofe

Date pudding with toffee sauce

Back in World War II, two Canadian officers were staying at a hotel in the northeast of England, where they gave a recipe for a pudding to the owner of the hotel; and it makes sense what they tell us that its origin is not English but Canadian, since the dough is more similar to that of an American muffin than to that of a delicate English sponge cake. I'm talking about the delicious sticky toffee pudding.

Coca de patata mallorquina

Majorcan potato coke

You know that I really like sharing recipes from different parts of the world with you, it's something that drives me crazy. I think there is nothing better than getting to know a place through its gastronomy and traditions. When we travel, I would dare to say that I almost feel like going to markets, restaurants, shops, pastry shops... than visiting the place itself! LOL. It's something I really enjoy. Today we are not going very far, I want to share with you how to make and enjoy an incredible Mallorcan potato coca.

Coca de panadero tradicional

Traditional baker's coke

Coca de forner or baker is a flat and elongated bread very typical in Catalonia that was originally prepared with unenriched bread dough, painted with olive oil, garnished with pine nuts and sugar on top and sprinkled with anise when it came out. from the oven. Simple and very effective.

Galletas rellenas de chocolate

chocolate filled cookies

I make these chocolate filled shortbread cookies at home every week. I stopped buying the ones from the supermarket when I found out that industrial cookies were not entirely healthy, and even more so those filled with cocoa cream.

Mini-delicias de pan de maíz con miel

Honey Cornbread Mini Treats

A few months ago Nordic Ware informed us that they would stop making the beautiful Beehive mold. I couldn't believe it, how beautiful it is! With it you get some beautiful mini biscuits, perfect entertainment for breakfast, to accompany coffee or for the kids' snack.