Costillas de cerdo ahumadas en barbacoa-Claudia&Julia

BBQ Smoked Pork Ribs

Today I invite you to enjoy some delicious juicy and tender barbecue smoked pork ribs. The secret of that juiciness is in an ingredient that, as soon as you try it, you will not want to live without it on barbecue days: apple juice.
Ensalada césar con pechugas de pollo marinadas-Claudia&Julia

Caesar salad with marinated chicken breasts

Today I bring you one of the most popular summer salads, the classic Caesar salad, and I propose a different way of preparing chicken breasts, with a juicy and very tasty result that will delight everyone at home. This Caesar salad with marinated chicken breasts doesn't have any secrets, but it will turn your plate into a show.
Pollo con jamón crujiente de Parma y remolacha

Chicken with crispy Parma ham and beetroot

This dish of chicken breasts with crispy ham is a very easy recipe, but it is very tasty and perfect for everyday use. Wrap, season and accompany with four ingredients and let the oven work for you. What do you think about the idea?
Estofado de buey a la cerveza (en olla tradicional y en olla rápida)-Claudia&Julia

Ox stew with beer (in a traditional pot and in a quick cooker)

Whether with beef or cow meat, this Guinness beer stew or Irish stew is a traditional recipe and one with which you will be fabled at family meals. The intense flavor of the beer brings a delicious flavor to these dishes!
Mini-Rollitos de col rellenos de carne, piñones y pasas

Mini cabbage rolls stuffed with meat, pine nuts and raisins

Stuffed rolls are a great option to offer a complete and visual dish Today, these mini-rolls are stuffed with lamb meat, pine nuts, raisins and spices, an exquisite recipe that you can make very easily.
Pollo asado especiado con limón en conserva-Claudia&Julia

Spiced Roast Chicken with Preserved Lemon

If the break is "Sunday", don't you think it's best not to get complicated on Sundays in the kitchen? Enjoying the morning with the family is always a pleasure and being able to eat something delicious without having to worry about staying at the foot of the stove multiplies that pleasure. That's why this Lemon Spiced Roast Chicken Recipe is a wonderfully quick and easy option for Sunday lunch.
Albóndigas de salchicha y ricotta al horno

Baked Ricotta and Sausage Meatballs

The baked meatballs with sausage and ricotta recipe that I am sharing with you today is a dish that you are going to love; with airs of Italy, where it is said that they prepare the juiciest meatballs in the world. The cheese they contain, both in the meat and in the sauce, is undoubtedly responsible for this, and makes them such a tasty snack that young and old alike will want to eat again.
Pollo al limón en papillote

Lemon chicken en papillote

If there is an old recipe, quick and easy to make and that I loved when I was little (and when I grew up), it is undoubtedly this one that I bring you today, lemon papillote chicken stuffed with pate.
Pollo en salmuera a la parrilla, con arroz y cilantro

Grilled chicken in brine, with rice and coriander

This grilled chicken with rice and cilantro is a great way to enjoy an everyday recipe but with a big plus of texture and flavor. Brine, beyond a centuries-old technique for food preservation, is a culinary technique with which to enjoy new flavors and textures, since it provides not only saltiness, but also great juiciness.
Pollo Balti al Estilo Tandoori

Tandoori Style Balti Chicken

If you are curious or enjoy the flavors of India, nothing better than this chicken with a touch of tandoori and garam masala, two of the most popular spices in Indian cuisine, and which give it an absolutely delicious flavor in this recipe that you will make using only a saucepan, in this case the Balti Dish.
Estofado de salchichas con judías

Sausage stew with beans

Stewed sausages are a very popular dish, since sausages tend to be liked by both children and adults, and they are very tasty. Today we make the recipe for smoked sausage stew with beans, a dish that you can prepare both in the cold months and use to celebrate the night of San Juan.
Glaseado de azúcar moreno para tus carnes y asados

Brown sugar glaze for your meats and roasts

Do you know that you can make your roasts in the usual way, baked or grilled, but finish it with a sublime glaze that makes all the difference? This brown sugar glaze will make all the difference!

I really, really, really encourage you to try it out!